Monday, May 31, 2010

worldwide condemnation of israel attack on gaza aid ship

israel will once again get away with murder
israel will once again get away with murderfrom kurt nimmo: Israel will not suffer meaningful consequence for its brutal attack on a flotilla of ships headed for Gaza earlier today. It is reported the attack killed 20 humanitarian activists. The military commando raid set off a storm of international protest and drew condemnations from leaders of Spain, Sweden, France, Germany, the U.N., the European Union and Arab League.

Not that it matters. Israel is basically allowed to kill anybody who opposes its annexation of Arab land and the wanton murder of Palestinians.

The Israeli military killed 34 and wounded 171 crew members aboard the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, during the Arab-Israeli war and suffered no consequence. Israel said it had confused the intelligence ship for an Egyptian vessel. Many intelligence and military officials dispute Israel’s explanation, but that does not matter. Israel has a carte blanche to murder at will. It is almost completely irrelevant when nations and aggrieved parties complain.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

ground zero: frankenfed, the money-made monster

thanks to zero point radio for new ground zero archives!
ground zero: frankenfed, the money-made monsterfrom clyde lewis: Just because we think we are informed and technologically advanced doesn’t mean we can escape the actions that have followed a financial disaster. Once the U.S. financial meltdown begins many other nations follow suit. A new governing body would be empowered to maintain and enforce social stability.

The group would be called temporary and then would become formalized as the New preliminary world advisory board on “Continuity of Government.”

corbett report: episode131 - bilderberg 2010

corbett report: episode131 - bilderberg 2010from corbett report: Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we take another peek behind the closed doors of the secretive Bilderberg group. We uncover the Bilderberg 2010 agenda with Daniel Estulin, organize counter-conference protests with Charlie Skelton of the UK's Guardian newspaper and confront David Rockefeller with the Sovereign Independent.


video version: bilderberg 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

new world next week - may28

bp oil spill, korean standoff, cybercom*

download mp3 version of 'new world next week'*

new world next week - may28Welcome back to the New World Next Week - the video series from & that gives you the weekly rundown on the stories that matter. This week:
Story #1: BP-owned Trans-Alaska Pipeline Shut After Spill
Flashback: Gulf Oil, God's Work, Drills & Spills

Story #2: US Military Told to Get Ready in Korea Standoff
Flashback: Meet Donald Rumsfeld

Story #3: Pentagon's Cybercom Preps War Against the American People
Flashback: Pentagon Says Military Response to Cyber Attack 'Possible'
As the acceleration continues & chaos leads to a new world order, your support in spreading this info becomes more important; help your friends & family make informed decisions about their lives. Subscribe to the feeds from Corbett Report here & Media Monarchy here. Thank you.

previous: may20 - bank protests, voting upsets, elite meetings

media monarchy episode172

media monarchy episode172"come to the USA & wake up the nation" for episode172 of media monarchy w/ the newspurge standoff, secret rooms & secret files - census, drills, chemical threats, helmet cams & lemonade stands - obama/bush & international order - oil spil, media spill & political spill - sweatshop suicides & onion armageddon + news music from paul weller & ray stevens and tons more...

episode172: download/subscribe\archive

media monarchy on the portland radio authoritymedia monarchy is originally broadcast live on the portland radio authority, zero point radio & revere radio network every friday at 10am pacific/11am mountain/1pm eastern...

and a huge thanks to cascadia public radio, free radio olympia, berkeley liberation radio, ground zero radio, phantom radio & one sky radio for rebroadcasting the show...

plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes through itunes, & + hi-quality mp3s suitable for rebroadcast provided by ... thank you

previous: episode171b

media monarchy episode171b

episode171b: download/subscribe\archive

media monarchy episode171b"don't waste time with your net, our net worth is set" on the b-side of episode171 of media monarchy w/ the latest alternative media from peace revolution & ground zero - interviews, waste, bpa & pbr from food world order - ibm, cybercom & runny nodes on cyber/space\war + superfast music from gorillaz and tons more...

previous: episode171

Thursday, May 27, 2010

police state updates: secret rooms, secret files

US postal service expands construction of secret rooms*
US postal service expands construction of secret roomshomegrown terrorist threat to be part of national security strategy*
document says number of attempted attacks on US is at all-time high*
the toronto g20 police state crackdown*
toronto gets 'sound cannons' for g20*
canada: $1b on summit security well worth it*
darpa cam spots the 'non-cooperative'*
federal protective service chief gets new job at dhs*
national guard leaders observe israel's nationwide exercise*
uk cops keep secret files on 19k protesters*
who first called attention to the times square time bomb? a muslim*
the tsa's mini-watch list*
16 terror suspects slipped through airport security in US*
private corporation building detention camps across america*
new uk govt to curb cctv, scrap id cards, help open source*

5/27 newspurge: wake up the nation

9/11 updates:
former cia officials admit to faking bin laden video*
former cia officials admit to faking bin laden videotop construction firm: wtc destroyed by controlled demolition*
gop: US can't afford to fund health 'entitlement program' for 9/11 rescue workers*
study finds more male babies miscarried in 9/11 aftermath*

plummeting marijuana prices create a panic in california*
100s of 'pot plants' seized by texas cops are horse mint*
seized marijuana legalization petitions missing*
ig report: meth, porn use by drilling agency staff*

despite soaring natl debt, congress goes on spending spree*

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

biowars/envirohealth: oil spill, media spill, political spill

bp-owned alaska oil pipeline shut after spill
bp-owned alaska oil pipeline shut after spillfrom reuters: The Trans-Alaska Pipeline, partly owned by BP, shut down on Tuesday after spilling several thousand barrels of crude oil into backup containers, drastically cutting supply down the main artery between refineries and Alaska's oilfields. The accident comes at a difficult time for BP - the largest single owner of the pipeline operator, holding 47% - as it struggles to plug a gushing Gulf of Mexico oil well. The shutdown followed a series of mishaps that resulted from a scheduled fire-command system test at Pump Station 9, about 100 miles south of Fairbanks, said Alyeska Pipeline Service Co, the operator of the 800-mile oil line.

gulf spill updates:
oil spill, media spill, political spill*
human dispersants: let's try tossing bp executives into gulf of mexico*
US has approved 19 environmental drilling waivers since oil spill*
bp gets pass from obama admin to potentially pollute lake michigan*
video: white house says 'undoubtedly' worst spill in US history*
bp calls in costner's $26m vacuum cleaners to mop up huge oil spill*
video: unhinged carville tells obama to get to the gulf*
obama's fairy tale: feds in charge of oil disaster response*
gulf oil spill, times square time bomb & occult dates apr19-may1*
video: oily insider says "there's another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away"*
bp pwned by twitter pranksters*
obama visits gulf as bp pushes on with 'top kill'*

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

biblical armageddon must be taught alongside global warming

which man-made idea will kill us all? "i'm still deciding..."
from onion news network: Constitutional debate continues over whether public schools should include biblical Armageddon alongside global warming in end-of-world curriculum.

another suicide at foxconn, 9th this year at chinese iphone firm

another suicide at foxconn, 9th this year at chinese iphone firmfrom bbc: In China a factory worker has died after falling from a high building, the latest in a string of such deaths at the same plant. The man, who was 19, was employed by Foxconn, a Taiwanese firm also known as Honhai.

The firm makes mobile phones, games consoles and computers for companies like Apple, Hewlett Packard and Sony. Nine people have died after falling off buildings at the factory this year. Two others were seriously injured.

Police are not saying yet whether this was a suicide attempt, a suspicious death or an accident. It happened just one day after Foxconn started playing music to workers on the assembly line to try to ease the pressure on them.

Before this latest incident the company's founder had denied he worked his staff too hard. But he had promised a plan to improve working conditions within a month.

Monday, May 24, 2010

US military told to get ready in korea standoff

US military told to get ready in korea standofffrom msnbc: The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama "fully supports" the South Korean president and his response to the torpedo attack by North Korea that sank a South Korean naval ship.

In a statement, the White House said Seoul can continue to count on the full backing of the United States and said U.S. military commanders had been told to work with their South Korean counterparts "to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression."

The administration said it endorsed President Lee Myung-bak's demand that "North Korea immediately apologize and punish those responsible for the attack, and, most importantly, stop its belligerent and threatening behavior."

Late last week, a team of international investigators accused North Korea of torpedoing the Cheonan corvette in March, killing 46 sailors in one of the deadliest clashes between the two since the 1950-53 Korean War.

The United States still has about 28,000 troops in South Korea to provide military support. The two Koreas, still technically at war, have more than 1 million troops near their border.

"U.S. support for South Korea's defense is unequivocal, and the President has directed his military commanders to coordinate closely with their Republic of Korea counterparts to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression," the statement said.

updates: north korea: an enemy made in the USA*
north korea ready to fight if attacked: report*
north korea severs ties with south on ship sinking*
hillary: world must act on s korean ship sinking*
south on alert as north subs disappear in east sea*
the sinking of the cheonan: another gulf of tonkin incident*

media monarchy on 'the invisible hand' with tracy twyman

media monarchy on 'the invisible hand' with tracy twymanfrom tracy twyman: This episode of The Invisible Hand features my recent interview with James Evan Pilato, Editor of Media Monarchy, Food World Order, and CyberSpace War. This episode focuses entirely on the subject of “weaponized food”, including the fact that rats fed genetically modified food were found to be unable to breed after the third generation, and the fact that, according to the Daily Mail, 1 in 5 men is now unable to breed, a problem they say could lead to the “rapid extinction” of the human race within a few generations. We also talk about aspartame, high-fructose corn syrup, water filtration, the doomsday seed vault, the war on organic farming, Newman's Own organic fakery and the genocidal tendencies of the ruling oligarchy.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

ground zero: correct change

thanks to zero point radio for new ground zero archives!
ground zero: correct changefrom clyde lewis: With all of the talk of Change two years ago I think it is time we ask for the correct change. We should start the campaign to ask for the correct change. Doing so would actually change the course of history.

We are caught in the grips of national paranoia. All of the terrorism or rumors of terrorist threats can get people to react in strange ways. Murder, looting, and death wishes will all transpire and everyone can be in the crosshairs. No one will be above suspicion.

If we see ourselves doing the same stupid things then maybe we should stop ourselves and try a new plan. Don’t let the elite sell you on the idea of your own self destruction. If you buy into something expecting change ask for the correct Change.


previous episode: twisted tales of the b-movie apocalypse

peace revolution: episode005 - overstocked

peace revolution 005: overstockedfrom peace revolution: What happens when you take a doctor of philosophy who's the CEO of an $800 million dollar company - and make him a victim of naked short selling and Wall Street fraud - and put him together with a Wall Street whistle-blower who was on the inside selling the so-called "compliance" software used to hide the evidence of these crimes against humanity?

Sit back and hold on because if you thought discussing Wall Street and finance was boring, you're about to have your mind blown wide open. This is it folks. This is how the whole scam works - from top to bottom.

Beginning in 2005, Byrne become known for his campaign against naked short selling, a practice which he says has been used in violation of securities law to hurt the price of his and other companies' stock. Under his direction, has filed two lawsuits alleging improper acts by Wall Street firms, a hedge fund, and an independent research firm.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

obama/bush retains right to detain people with no habeas review

court denies habeas corpus rights
obama/bush retains right to detain people with no habeas reviewfrom nytimes: A federal appeals court ruled Friday that three men who had been detained by the United States military for years without trial in Afghanistan had no recourse to American courts. The decision was a broad victory for the Obama administration in its efforts to hold terrorism suspects overseas for indefinite periods without judicial oversight.

The detainees, two Yemenis and a Tunisian who say they were captured outside Afghanistan, contend that they are not terrorists and are being mistakenly imprisoned at the American military prison at Bagram Air Base.

But a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled unanimously that the three had no right to habeas corpus hearings, in which judges would review evidence against them and could order their release. The court reasoned that Bagram was on the sovereign territory of another government and emphasized the “pragmatic obstacles” of giving hearings to detainees “in an active theater of war.”

The ruling dealt a severe blow to wider efforts by lawyers to extend a landmark 2008 Supreme Court ruling granting habeas corpus rights to prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. A lower court judge had previously ruled that the three Bagram detainees were entitled to the same rights, although he had found that others captured in Afghanistan and held there were not.

A lawyer for the detainees, Tina Foster, said that if the precedent stood, Mr. Obama and future presidents would have a free hand to “kidnap people from other parts of the world and lock them away for the rest of their lives” without having to prove in court that their suspicions about such prisoners were accurate.

obamessiah updates:
video: barack obama's new world order*

Friday, May 21, 2010

media monarchy episode171

media monarchy episode171"for the first time in all of human history, mankind is politically awakened" on episode171 of media monarchy w/ class warfare, anti-dc candidates & elite meets - newspurge, national level terror drills & tattle on the cattle - gulf oil, god's work, ground zero & the murder of terrance yeakey + hard music from shout out louds and tons more...

episode171: download/subscribe\archive

media monarchy on the portland radio authoritymedia monarchy is originally broadcast live on the portland radio authority, zero point radio & revere radio network every friday at 10am pacific/11am mountain/1pm eastern...

and a huge thanks to cascadia public radio, free radio olympia, berkeley liberation radio, ground zero radio, phantom radio & one sky radio for rebroadcasting the show...

plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes through itunes, & + hi-quality mp3s suitable for rebroadcast provided by ... thank you

previous: episode170b

media monarchy episode170b

episode170b: download/subscribe\archive

media monarchy episode170b"die by the drop" on the b-side of the 170th episode of media monarchy w/ oregon salmonella & organic fakery from food world order - bar codes, contracts & data harvesting on cyber/space\war + grave music from dead weather and tons more...

previous: episode170

Thursday, May 20, 2010

new world next week - may20

bank protests, voting upsets, elite meetings*

download mp3 version of 'new world next week'*

new world next week - may20Welcome back to the New World Next Week - the video series from & that gives you the weekly rundown on the stories that matter. This week:
Story#1: Class Warfare: 100s Protest Outside Banksters' Houses in DC

Story#2: Voters Back Anti-DC, Anti-Establishment Candidates

Story#3: Where Elites Meet: CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, G20 & More
As the acceleration continues & chaos leads to a new world order, your support in spreading this info becomes more important; help your friends & family make informed decisions about their lives. Subscribe to the feeds from Corbett Report here & Media Monarchy here. Thank you.

previous: apr29 - euro crash, az immigrant law, fair use is good

police state updates: tattle on the cattle

tsa agent steals cash from wheelchair-bound woman*
tsa agent steals cash from wheelchair-bound womantsa 'behavior detection' a $200m sham*
video: sam dodson & detroit tsa security theater*
fbi official pistole picked to head tsa*
spy agencies faulted for missing mutallab*
pakistan arrests army officer linked to times square bomb suspect*
shazad: cia false flag against pakistan*
napolitano urged to cut dhs ties with az*
new terror monitors: parking attendants*
video: arizona recruits meter maids in terror watch*
cruise industry security will tighten*
canadian fighter jets escort cathay pacific plane from hong kong into vancouver*
norad: US jets intercept ultralight plane from mexico*

5/20 newspurge: fall hard

9/11 updates:
from cover-up to shakedown,
9/11 continues to haunt americans

feds to imprison pot smokers for 'impaired driving'?*
feds to imprison pot smokers for 'impaired driving'?natl drug control strategy pdf*
will medical marijuana be legalized in nebraska?*

investigation into polish air crash reveals passengers in cockpit*
video: slaughter of 'red shirts' intensifies*
twilight language: thai braveheart assassinated at triple overpass*
greece may take legal steps against US banks for crisis*
eu is as doomed as its currency - let's get out from under this collapsing monstrosity*
fmr presidential candidate missing in mexico*
2010 korea safe excercise*
south korea to blame north for torpedoing warship*
US persuades security council to impose new iran sanctions*
israel plays wargame assuming iran has nuclear bomb*
video: finkelstein on chomsky & israel*

biowars/envirohealth: gulf oil, god's work & shocking conditions

just like 9/11? oil spill 1st responders getting sick...
but are being told they don't need any safety gear

just like 9/11? oil spill 1st responders getting sick... but are being told they don't need any safety geargulf gush '10x worse' than estimated*
criminal negligence: despite knowing it had a damaged blowout preventer, bp still cut corners by removing single most important safety measure*
video: coast guard threatens cbs news with arrest for filming spill*
media ignores goldman sachs' ties to corexit dispersant*
video: eugenicist ted turner suggests gulf oil spill "god’s work”*

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

where elites meet: cfr, trilateral, bilderberg, g20 & more

geithner briefs super power elite
geithner briefs super power elitefrom economic policy journal: The heavyweights want a report from the Treasury Secretary, including David Rockefeller and Lynn Forester de Rothschild (Forester was introduced to soon to be husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland. They spent their honeymoon at the White House.)  In addition to Rockefeller and Lady de Rothschild, on Friday afternoon, Treasury Secretary Geithner will also meet with the other members of the Board of Directors of the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics to discuss the Administration’s agenda for economic growth and strengthening the global financial system. Here's the hefty list of the Institute's Board of Directors...

brzezinski decries 'global political awakening' during cfr speech

class warfare: 100s protest outside banksters houses in dc

class warfare: 100s protest outside banksters houses in dcfrom huffington post: Huge raucous crowds converged outside bank employees' houses on Sunday afternoon to demand banks stop lobbying against Wall Street reform. "Bank of America: bad for America!" shouted community leaders outside the house of Bank of America deputy general counsel Gregory Baer.

The Chicago-based grassroots organization National People's Action, in coordination with the SEIU, bused more than 700 workers from 20 states to Baer's neighborhood, one of the wealthiest corners of Washington. The action kicks off several days of protests targeting K Street for lobbyists' role in financial reform.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

voters back anti-dc, anti-establishment candidates

hope, change or more of the same?
voters back anti-dc, anti-establishment candidatesfrom ap: With the electorate's intense anger reverberating across the country, this is all but certain: It's an anti-Washington, anti-establishment year. And candidates with ties to either better beware. Any doubt about just how toxic the political environment is for congressional incumbents and candidates hand-picked by national Republican and Democratic leaders disappeared late Tuesday, when voters fired Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania, forced Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln into a run-off in Arkansas and chose tea party darling Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee in Kentucky's Senate race. "People just aren't very happy," Ira Robbins, 61, said in Allentown, Pa. With anyone linked to power, it seems.

Monday, May 17, 2010

fema/dhs running 'national level exercise 2010' may17-18

fema/dhs running 'national level exercise 2010' may17-18from The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct National Level Exercise (NLE) 2010 on May 17-18. NLE 2010 will engage federal, state and local partners in a series of events and opportunities to demonstrate and assess federal emergency preparedness capabilities pertaining to a simulated terrorist attack scenario involving an improvised nuclear device.

Every day we are taking steps to continue to strengthen our nation’s emergency response team, from the local level up to the federal government,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “NLE 2010 provides an important opportunity to exercise these response and recovery capabilities across all levels of government.”

okc bombing & the murder of sgt. terrance yeakey

okc bombing & the murder of sgt. terrance yeakeyfrom we are change oklahoma: What did Sgt. Terrance Yeakey know? This short film will give you a glimpse into the mystery of the brutal torture-murder of Sgt. Terrance Yeakey and address several of the unanswered questions that exist surrounding the horrific circumstances of his passing on May 8, 1996. Sgt. Yeakey is remembered as a loving husband, father, brother and son and highly respected 7 year veteran of the Oklahoma City Police Department.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ground zero: twisted tales of the b-movie apocalypse

thanks to zero point radio for new ground zero archives!
ground zero: twisted tales of the b-movie apocalypsefrom clyde lewis: As the powerful continue to twist the meaning of everything, you have to pay close attention to what you are investing your time, money and spirituality into. We are falling for whatever authorities desire to manipulate us with.

While I believe that alien life exists, I have to constantly watch myself from being too gullible. The child in me wants wonderment to shine through all of the mediocrity. But the reality is that the stories surrounding the alien meme are nightmarish and barbaric. Even if they have somehow disarmed our nukes, or appeared to be godlike blondes there is no arguing, the abductions, the trauma and the pantheistic message they have left behind only to be adopted as the new state religion.

outside the box #250/251

outside the box #250
from Alex Ansary talks with Marc Delphine about his campaign to unseat Ron Wyden's and gain his seat in the Oregon Senate as a Libertarian candidate. Marc discusses our current economic system's problems with a Federal Reserve System combined with total lack of oversight or accountability.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

obama administration: goldman sachs from top to bottom

obama's change: owned & operated by great vampire squid
obama administration: goldman sachs from top to bottom from kurt nimmo: Two articles on the FDL website detail the intimate and incestuous relationship between the Barry Obama administration and Goldman Sachs. FDL names names and provides expansive detail on the Goldie administration.

At a time when Congressional hearings are set to call testimony from some Goldman Sachs employees, it is vital to understand how widespread that institution’s ties are to the Obama administration. This diary shows the pervasive influence of Goldman Sachs and Goldman created institutions (like the Hamilton Project embedded in the Brookings Institution), employees and influence peddlers in the Obama administration,” FDL wrote on April 27.

Friday, May 14, 2010

media monarchy episode170

media monarchy episode170"all we need from you is one dose of truth" on the 170th episode of media monarchy w/ abundant cities & police states: psycho pig rampage, drills, spills & watered-down audits - brown out, kagan in & obama bemoaning - webtax, output jacks & cyberattacks - raw milk, prison food, mother's day & birth control birthday + non-fiction music from girls against boys and so much more...

episode170: download/subscribe\archive

media monarchy on the portland radio authoritymedia monarchy is originally broadcast live on the portland radio authority, zero point radio & revere radio network every friday at 10am pacific/11am mountain/1pm eastern...

and a huge thanks to cascadia public radio, free radio olympia, berkeley liberation radio, ground zero radio, phantom radio & one sky radio for rebroadcasting the show...

plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes through itunes, & + hi-quality mp3s suitable for rebroadcast provided by ... thank you

previous: episode169

Thursday, May 13, 2010

interview w/ douglas lain on abundant cities

interview w/ douglas lain: download/subscribe\archive

interview w/ douglas lain on abundant citiesthe latest special interview episode from media monarchy is an engaging conversation with author douglas lain, host of the diet soap podcast.

taking a page from a surrealist self-help book while working on our 'oregonization', our talk walks off the usual path & looks at what's right in our backyard: the opportunity for real community. this is being put into action by doug's new kickstarter project 'pick your battle: foraging as revolutionary self-help'.

this project aims to "organize local foraging, community gardens, psychogeographic field trips ... smashing the industrial food system with locally produced free food." or, as love & trash puts it: "the idea of abundant cities is almost embarrassingly easy. this project could help it become a household phrase."

previous interview: andrew hoffman of

police states updates: nycctv, isis & psycho pig rampage

video: bloomberg wants 'big brother britain' for nyc*
bloomberg wants 'big brother britain' for nycnyc's bloomberg in london to view transit cctv*
video: inside ny's cctv hq*
nypd developing cctv system that will be better than london's*
suspicious package in times square, 4 blocks closed off*
times square reopens following evacuation over suspicious package*
video: suspicious cooler had water, books; nyc looks 'like hurt locker'*

5/13 newspurge: one dose of truth

9/11 updates:
hillary: pakistan officials 'harboring' bin laden*
hillary: pakistan officials 'harboring' bin ladensome pak officials know where osama is*
9/11 families oppose holder proposal to modify miranda*

militarized swat drug raids on the rise*
california cops prepare to waste more money 'eradicating' pot*
govt deals heroin, terrorizes for pot*
video: pelosi says treating drugs cheaper than stopping drugs*
afghan farmers blame nato for opium poppies fungus*
video: columbia, missouri police chief: 'i hate the internet'*

biowars/envirohealth: drills, spills & bellyaches

preparedness gaps in training for oil spill:
terror drills preceded gulf oil disaster

preparedness gaps in training for oil spill: terror drills preceded gulf oil disasterworkers tell of explosions on night their oil rig exploded*
halliburton worked on rig 20hrs before explosion*
whistleblower: bp risks more massive catastrophes*
whistleblower claims bp was aware of cheating on blowout preventer tests*
rig workers made to sign statements after blast*
no real solution to stop oil spill?*
video: a simple way to clean up the oil spill?*
obama still granting bp environmental study waivers*
video: predictive programming? gulf oil rig explosion in 2009 film 'knowing'*
slick operator: the bp i've known too well*
obama aims to use deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill*
flashback: gulf oil updates: the poison is still spilling*

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

can watered-down 'audit the fed' bill be strengthened in committee?

can watered-down 'audit the fed' bill be strengthened in committee?from paul joseph watson: While many are expressing disappointment and even despair that the Senate voted down Ron Paul’s audit the Fed bill while passing a weakened version, Congressman Alan Grayson is confident that the stronger provisions of the original House amendment can be added in Committee, ensuring the Federal Reserve doesn’t get off the hook, as Congressman Paul has warned.

The Senate last night voted 96-0 in favor of a compromise amendment that requires the GAO to conduct a one time audit of the Federal Reserve that will focus on which financial institutions received over $2 trillion dollars in bailout funds during the peak of the economic crisis.

However, the Senate voted down 37-62 Senator David Vitter’s audit the Fed amendment, which mirrored Ron Paul’s version that was passed by Congress.

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