Saturday, May 31, 2008

may clearinghouse

real life ministry of love is being built*
26 yrs after gibson, pentagon defines 'cyberspace'*
comcast is hiring an internet snoop for the feds*
US: possible gov't laptop breach?*
mega corp lawsuit against youtube threatens internet freedom*
air force aims for 'full control' of 'any and all' computers*
air force colonel wants to build a military botnet*
dns trouble knocks nsa off internet
the face of allah weapon returns*
taser jolt can cause fatal heart rhythm, probe told*
video: cnn covers elite's depopulation program*
titanic 'discovery' was a secret nuke sub dive*
rehired kbr driver in iraq caught with child porn - again
send in the marines! (with iris scanners!)*
after losing nukes, air base flunks security tests*
military recruits thousands more warbots for new unmanned surge*
do you feel a draft?*
video: 'you'd think we were in a war zone'*
homeland security to train police to counter roadside bombs*
new disaster preparedness strategy announced*
state closes storm drills to media*
states chafing at US focus on terrorism*
20% rise in US police deaths*
new nexico police officer scuffles with tv photographer*
blunt federal letters tell students they’re security threats*
this is what the cia thinks of foia requests*
shadow govt: who deals with agencies at booz allen?*
in 'spies for hire,' US security gets outsourced*
fbi citizen's academy: citizens take part in fbi training*
george soros: 'we face the most serious recession of our lifetime'*
former bush aide admits manipulating opinion*
surprise, surprise: bush lied*
mcclellan book pegs bush as a cokehead*

international intrigue
video: operation leopard*
tony blair wants to unite religions*
tories plan boot camps for jobless youths*
mandatory government brainwashing for uk kids under 5*
uk political tension monitors map race & religion*
uk wants single govt database of phone calls & emails*
israel has '150 or more' nuclear weapons: carter*
hundreds of new testaments torched in israel*
orthodox jewish youths burn new testaments in israel*
chertoff wants israeli airport security technology*
businessman says he gave israeli leader thousands in cash*
lbj tapes show israel-america connection*
global peace index: israel hits rock bottom*
video: unusual clouds prior to china earthquake*
one-child policy has exceptions after china quake*
did china's hackers shut off the lights?*
tix to olympics' opening ceremonies to include rfid & passport data*
cia drug pilot linked to russian mob*
venezuela arrests US 'dea agent'*
'plan colombia' heads for mexico*
mexican soldiers shoot at marine's car*
US, canadian & mexican police to un 'roadcheck 2008'*
'tragedy & hope' reveals a call by cecil rhodes for an 'american union'*
'north american parliament' meets at integration forum*

lindbergh's deranged quest for immortality*
nano-fibres lead to pre-cancer symptoms*
discovery of 12,000-yr-old temple could alter theory of human development*
weather warfare*
oism: 32,000 scientists reject global warming hypothesis*
brit mp's: every adult should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’*
ibm superior rice to fight food crisis*
family seed business takes on goliath of genetic modification*
some US farms outsourced to mexico*
diet coke drops additive in dna damage fears*
superbugs killed record number*
video: 666 baby vaccines*

gingrich quips bush should have allowed some 'reminder' attacks*
corr brother says 9/11 'an inside job'*
the hijackers*
US to try alleged 9/11 plotters*
wtc development deadline extended, jfk upgrades planned*
video: 9/11 in 7 minutes*
pentagon inviting media to guantanamo 9/11 hearings*
US pushing 9/11 trials before nov.?*
9/11: cover for a coup d'etat?*
stanley hilton: bush authorized 9/11 attacks*

jello biafra vs. michael savage*
iron man & the fantasy of 'humanitarian militarism'*
condi joins kiss army*
indiana jones & the fridge of nuclear doom*
at age 70, george carlin still calls it like he sees it*
project censored awards to four global research authors*

revolution, assassination & the presidential selection

the ron paul revolution rages on
video: aimee allen's ron paul anthem*
ron paul: obama presidency will not bring change*
for paul, it ain’t over till it’s over*
libertarian dark horse is still kicking*
gop leaders struggle to contain ‘revolution’*
paul relies on family to staff campaign: report*
ron paul supporters, what are your plans?*
fox commentator: ron paul revolt could be 'disaster' for gop*
ron paul's forces quietly plot gop convention revolt against mccain*
ex-gop barr launches presidential bid*
ron paul's delegate wars (part5)*
no seats for paul fans at gop convention*

selection year politics
fbi recruiting infiltrators for gop convention protestors*
i'm not a superdelegate, but i play one on the internet*
the coming electoral college crisis*
evidence that bush will cancel elections & declare martial law*
US terror attack seen likely after election*

obama, kennedy & the assassination meme
bilderberg luminary to select obama’s running mate*
obama practices looking-off-into-future pose*
obama vows fealty to zionists*
obama discusses race, religion at jewish temple*
obama promises 'unshakable' support for israel*
obama is not jesus christ*
will obama fight for appalachia in the fall?*
obama & the war*
obama's race issue: uneasy topic*
obama's brain zbigniew says US suffers from iran paranoia*
camp memories: obama & reagan*
kennedy illness to impact US race*
obama compared to jfk, picks up more delegates*
obama picks up jfk's cause*
obama is jfk's 'inspirational' heir, says former jfk aide ted sorensen*
obama: weak like jfk*
should obama rethink jfk/khrushchev?*
what if the kennedys has lived?*
fox news jokes about obama assassination*
dutch journalist writes article 'obama assassinated'*
how will they do it?*

hillary hangs on
blow for clinton as florida/michigan delegates to get half votes*
clinton insiders suggest ‘open civil war’ over vp spot*
clinton makes last stand in final primaries*
clinton crime family body count*

mccain in the membrane
kristol: mccain may pick lieberman as running mate*
obama & mccain to attend aipac conference
hagee's apocalyptic support of israel*
mccain hits obama over lack of military service*
mccain picks former reagan official to head vp search*
mccain rejects endorsements of 2 televangelist pastors*
video: 'west wing' plot line predicts obama vs. mccain race*

Friday, May 30, 2008

media monarchy episode077

listen live to the revere radio network

episode077 of media monarchy features et, air rage, urban warfare & maple flag, osama bin located, un sexcrimes, unions & common currencies, pigs, ants, mars & wi-fi, biometrics, survivalism, utah phillips & the assassination meme, music by swervedriver and tons more...


listen live to the portland radio authoritymedia monarchy is originally broadcast on the portland radio authority every friday at 10am pacific/1pm eastern and can also be heard on the revere radio network every sunday at 4pm pacific/7pm eastern...

plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes thanks to &

Thursday, May 29, 2008

purported ufo video to be shown in denver

purported ufo video to be shown in denverfrom rocky mountain news: A video that purportedly shows a living, breathing space alien will be shown to the news media Friday in Denver.Jeff Peckman, who is pushing a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver to prepare the city for close encounters of the alien kind, said the video is authentic and convinced him that aliens exist.

"As impressive as it is, it's still one tiny portion in the context of a vast amount of peripheral evidence," he said Wednesday. "It's really the final visual confirmation of what you already know to be true having seen all the other evidence." When Peckman went before city officials this month to discuss his proposed ET initiative, he promised to show the video.

update: space alien video shown in denver
from denver post: A few minutes of grainy, black and white video show a shadowy creature with big eyes peeping over a windowsill. But does it show a puppet or an alien from outer space?

cops & customs agents caught smuggling drugs

cops & customs agents caught smuggling drugsfrom paul joseph watson: Following last September's crash of a Gulfstream jet used by the CIA for torture flights that contained 4 tonnes of cocaine, more customs officials and cops have been caught in drug smuggling and drug dealing rackets. Customs supervisor Walter Golembiowski and officer John Ajello face narcotics, bribery and conspiracy charges after they were arrested for helping smuggle drugs and contraband through New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.

"The investigation has led to the indictment and prosecution of more than 20 people - from distributors to overseas sources of supply - and the seizure of more than 600 pounds of imported hashish and other drugs from the United States and France," according to a CNN report. Meanwhile in Texas, Cameron County Constable Saul Ochoa was arrested by the FBI yesterday morning for possession and distribution of marijuana. Ochoa's brother is Justice of the Peace Benny Ochoa III of Port Isabel and his cousin is Port Isabel Police Chief Joel Ochoa.

related: feds seize cocaine jesus

spy cams in uk planes scan your face for 'air rage'

spy cams in uk planes scan your face for 'air rage'from threat level: A prototype surveillance system being tested by the European Union would place cameras inside the back of every passenger seat to track the facial expressions of travelers and catch would-be terrorists and unruly flyers on the brink of "air rage."

The Security of Aircraft in the Future European Environment, or SAFEE, project tested a prototype in January using cameras installed in a fake Airbus A380 fuselage. In addition to the seat cameras, the fuselage was outfitted with six wide-angle cameras to monitor activity in the aisles, such as someone running or lingering near the cockpit door.

According to a report in New Scientist, the cameras would look for passengers sweating profusely or behaving in a nervous manner, but it would alert the crew only after detecting a combination of signs, rather than a single one.

But an expert in camera surveillance told the publication he was skeptical that such a system would be able to successfully track a person's behavior as he moves around the cabin or as lighting conditions in the cabin change.

'border security usa' reality show from big brother

'border security usa' reality show from big brotherfrom hollywood reporter: A new ABC unscripted series will take an unprecedented look behind the scenes at the government's fight against terrorism. The network has ordered 11 hours of "Border Security USA" from executive producer Arnold Shapiro ("Big Brother"). Shot on location throughout the United States, the series will focus on the efforts of border protection agencies to halt illegal smuggling and immigration.

A typical episode might jump from a border patrol in Texas to security screeners at a New York airport to a Coast Guard boat off Puerto Rico. "Border" is billed as the first multiepisode television series to be shot in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security, as well as several other government agencies.

(Editor’s note: Since the border is wide open to illegals and drug smugglers and a growing number of Americans are concerned about this, now is the time for the Department of Homeland Security and Hollywood to create a fluffy propaganda piece to brainwash us into thinking otherwise, sort of like the “war on terror” that does not stop terrorism but rather engenders it for political reasons.)

marines bringing combat training to indianapolis

marines bringing combat training to indianapolisfrom indystar: U.S. Marine helicopters will land at the old Eastgate Consumer Mall, Brookside Park and other Indianapolis locations when the city becomes a mock battlefield next week. About 2,300 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based at Camp Lejeune, N.C., will conduct urban warfare training from Wednesday through June 19 in and around Indianapolis.

Most of the troops will be deployed at the Indiana State Fairgrounds and the Raytheon facility on Holt Road, said Debbi Fletcher of the Indianapolis/Marion County Emergency Management Agency. “We don’t want anyone thinking that there’s an invasion happening or that we declared martial law or something like that,” Fletcher said.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

bolton to face citizen’s arrest in wales?

bolton to face citizen’s arrest in wales?from thinkprogress: Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton is scheduled to speak at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival in Wales today. The Telegraph reports that after his speech, Bolton may face a citizen’s arrest:

Mr Monbiot, a columnist for The Guardian newspaper, plans to detain him as he steps off stage at the end of his talk. He said he was prepared to jump on stage and perform the citizen’s arrest there if necessary.

He claimed Mr Bolton was “instrumental in preparing and initiating the Iraq war by disseminating false claims through the State Department” while he was under-secretary of state for arms control. […]

Explaining his motivation for carrying out what will be a purely symbolic gesture, Mr Monbiot said: “Many people accept that the launching of the Iraq war was an international crime, but no one has yet been prepared to act on it by arresting one of the perpetrators.”

update: surprise! bolton escapes citizen's arrest
surprise! bolton escapes citizen's arrestfrom telegraph: Security guards blocked the path of columnist and activist George Monbiot, who tried to make the arrest as Mr Bolton left the stage. The former ambassador - a key advisor to President George W Bush who argued strongly in favour of invading Iraq - had been giving a talk on international relations to more than 600 people at the literary festival. Mr Monbiot was blocked by two heavily-built security guards at the end of the one-and-a-half hour appearance, before he could serve a "charge sheet" on him.

ohio parents told of school explosion, not told it’s a drill

ohio parents told of school explosion, not told it’s a drillfrom toledo blade: An automated message system told parents of a large explosion at a southwest Ohio elementary school, sending moms and dads into a panic before officials could clarify that it was all just a drill.

The Mason School District outside Cincinnati had informed parents last week that there would be a disaster drill on Tuesday, but they didn’t name the school where the drill would take place.

After receiving the first message Tuesday afternoon, about 100 parents hurried toward Mason Heights Elementary before a second message could be sent with the clarification.

operations maple flag & midnight express

7 countries hone fighter pilot skills during 'maple flag'
7 countries hone fighter pilot skills during 'maple flag'from Fighter pilots from seven different countries, including the United States, participate in Maple Flag 41 May 5-16 and May 19-30 at Cold Lake in Alberta, Canada. "Ask any U.S. fighter pilot and he'll tell you the best part about flying here is the unrestricted air space," said Maj. Derrick Johnson, Maple Flag project officer from Nellis Air Force Base.

police stage mock terrorist attack in hamilton ontario
from hamilton spectator: Operation Midnight Express was about as close to a terrorist attack as Hamilton would ever want to experience. It was an exercise staged over a 14-hour period at Pier 15 on the bay and was designed to test the ability of police and other agencies to deal with a major threat to public security. It started as a single-car accident in east Hamilton at about midnight Monday and escalated into a clash between several police agencies and a group of gun-toting extremists bent of blowing up infrastructure in the Golden Horseshoe.

san antonio cops force blood tests on drivers

osama/cia psyop setting up something

al-qaeda supporters' tape to call for use of wmd's
al-qaeda supporters' tape to call for use of wmd'sfrom abc: Intelligence and law enforcement sources tell ABC News they are expecting al Qaeda supporters will post a new video on the Internet in the next 24 hours, calling for what one source said is "jihadists to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West."

cia predicts al-qaeda 'succession crisis' after bin laden
(translation: "just because we might thaw bin laden's corpse & roll 'em out for an october surprise doesn't mean the global war of terror will stop.")
from ap: The U.S. is making "a big and continual push" to capture or kill al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, but his demise won't end the organization's menace, CIA Director Michael Hayden said Tuesday in an Associated Press interview. The CIA is equally interested in those jockeying to replace bin Laden in what he predicted will be a "succession crisis."

and if you believe any of this, bin laden's brother has a bridge to sell you...

update1: bin laden's hideout made public
from press tv: An Afghan official says he received information that Al-Qaeda figurehead Osama bin Laden is hiding in northern Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan's northwestern Chitral region bordering Afghanistan, AFP reported, citing an Afghan intelligence official.

update2: abc & fbi punk'd by terror 'fan video'
from danger room: On Tuesday, ABC News posted a story headlined "Al-Qaeda Tape to Call for Use of WMDs." Which would be awfully scary -- if it were true... Or maybe not. The video was actually released on Monday Sunday. And while it is called ''Nuclear Jihad, The Ultimate Terror," it is not from Al-Qaeda -- or any other major terrorist group. Rather, it is "a jihadi supporter video compilation," notes Ben Venzke with IntelCenter -- a flick "made by fans or supporters who may not have ever had any contact with a real terrorist." ... Looks like the video and a partial translation are here.

update3: reports say osama bin laden has been 'located'
reports say osama bin laden has been 'located'from spectator: The Dubai-based satellite TV channel Al Arabiya is reporting that Osama Bin Laden has been “located” by US intelligence in the Kararakoram – a mountain range that spans the borders of Pakistan, the Kashmir and China (K2 is one of its peaks). There was a high-level meeting last week in Doha including General Petraeus, the recently-nominated Commander of US Central Command, and it is reasonable to speculate that – if there is truth to the report – it flows from this piece of intelligence. Whether the latest rumours about the tracking down of OBL have foundation will quickly become apparent. If they do have substance, Al Arabiya will have scored a huge world scoop – and have its rival Al Jazeera spitting nails.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

un peacekeepers & aid workers abusing kids

un peacekeepers & aid workers abusing kidsfrom ap: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed "deep concern" Tuesday after a leading children's charity said it uncovered evidence of widespread sexual abuse of children at the hands of U.N. peacekeepers and international aid workers. The report No_One_to_Turn_To (448kb PDF) by Save the Children UK, based on field research in southern Sudan, Ivory Coast and Haiti, describes a litany of sexual crimes against children as young as 6.

flashbacks: dyncorp/halliburton sex slave scandal won't go away & elitist perversion far deeper than foley

Monday, May 26, 2008

unions, currencies & the consolidation of power

south america nations found union
south america nations found unionfrom bbc: The leaders of 12 South American nations have formed a regional body aimed at boosting economic and political integration in the region. At a summit in Brazil, they signed a treaty which created the Union of South American Nations (Unasur). Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said the move showed that South America was becoming a "global player".

south america considers common currency
south america considers common currencyfrom gulf times: South America is thinking of creating a common currency and a central bank along the lines of those in the European Union’s eurozone, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said yesterday. The idea is a logical next step following the signing last Friday of a treaty creating a Union of South American States that aims to promote joint regional customs and defense policies, Lula said during his weekly radio broadcast. “Many things still haven’t been realised. We are now going to create a Bank of South America. We are going to move forward so in the future we’ll have a single central bank, a common currency,” he said. But, he added: “This is a process. It won’t be something that happens quickly.

US congratulates african union on 45th anniversary
US congratulates african union on 45th anniversaryfrom US state dept: The United States congratulates the African Union (AU) on the 45th anniversary of its establishment. On May 25, 1963, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was established to act as a collective voice for the total liberation of Africa. Forty five years later, it continues promoting unity and solidarity.

government green lights gulf dollar abandonment
government green lights gulf dollar abandonmentfrom steve watson: A report from Merrill Lynch & Co has revealed that the government has effectively given Gulf Arab oil producers the go ahead to change their dollar-pegged foreign exchange policies, a move some experts fear will lead to a large scale abandonment of the greenback. In a report entitled "U.S. Green Light for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)", the U.S. investment bank said the United Arab Emirates and Qatar will probably move to a currency basket in the next few months, with their respective currencies appreciating 5 percent before the end of the year, reports Reuters.

you think nafta, cafta & the economy is bad now? wait...

they rule the world

they rule the worldfrom washington post: Go to A white page appears with a deliberately shadowy image of a boardroom table and chairs. Sentences materialize: “They sit on the boards of the largest companies in America.” “Many sit on government committees.” “They make decisions that affect our lives.” Finally, “They rule.” The site allows visitors to trace the connections between individuals who serve on the boards of top corporations, universities, think thanks, foundations and other elite institutions. Created by the presumably pseudonymous Josh On, “They Rule” can be dismissed as classic conspiracy theory. Or it can be viewed, along with David Rothkopf’s Superclass, as a map of how the world really works.

elitist blueprint for world government revealedIn Superclass, Rothkopf, a former managing director of Kissinger Associates and an international trade official in the Clinton Administration, has identified roughly 6,000 individuals who have “the ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries worldwide.” They are the “superclass” of the 21st century, spreading across borders in an ever thickening web, with a growing allegiance, Rothkopf argues, to each other rather than to any particular nation.

'patent for a pig'

from wide eye cinema: As a powerful corporate giant attempts to patent living genetic material, this film asks what the consequences are for mankind.

blair gets protested & booed at yale

blair gets protested & booed at yalefrom daily mail: Tony Blair was left reeling last night after students disrupted his debut speech at Yale University to protest at his role in taking Britain and America to war in Iraq.

The former Prime Minister, who is normally immensely popular in the US for his support for President George W Bush's 'war on terror', faced an unexpected protest from anti-war protesters when he arrived to give his lecture at the Ivy League university.

Some smuggled banners bearing anti-war slogans into the venue which they held up as Mr Blair was speaking and when he had finished boos could be heard amid the applause.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

crazy rasberry ants, sunspot cycles & wi-fi allergies

'crazy' ants plague texas, fouling electronics
'crazy' ants plague texas, fouling electronicsfrom los angeles times: Texans are battling a plague of insects that sounds right out of the book of Exodus. So-called "crazy Rasberry ants," named after Tom Rasberry, the exterminator who first identified them, and called "crazy" for their erratic marching pattern, have begun appearing in huge numbers in the Houston area. The ants have been wreaking havoc on homes by destroying electrical wiring, according to the Houston Chronicle.

sunspot cycles may hold key to global warming & cooling
sunspot cycles may hold key to global warming & coolingfrom leader-telegram: The 2008 winter was the coldest in 40 years for the upper Midwest, Plains states and most of Canada... What are we to make of this? The recent climate conference held in New York City, sponsored by the Heartland Institute, provides some answers. Several hundreds climatologists in attendance dispelled notions that the global warming debate is over. Most attendees, who readily acknowledge the existence of post-Little Ice Age warming, believe man-made emissions are unlikely to cause major climate change and signed a declaration to that effect.

watch nasa's phoenix mars landing live

watch nasa's phoenix mars landing livefrom alley insider: This could be must see TV: At 6 p.m. ET on Sunday, NASA begins live coverage of the Phoenix Mars Lander, as it attempts to make the first powered landing on the red planet since Viking 2 in 1976. Watch it online here or in Second Life. If you insist on watching on TV, Discovery Science is carrying the landing, and CNN promises to have some, but not complete, coverage at 7pm ET.

Phoenix will enter Mars' atmosphere at almost 13,000 miles per hour Sunday evening and then undergo what NASA engineers refer to as "seven minutes of hell" as it deploys a heat shield, then a parachute, and fires thrusters to touch down at just before 8 p.m. ET. At least that's when NASA first learns if the landing was a success--it takes the signal 15 minutes to reach Earth.

NASA is expecting upwards of 500,000 to tune in to its live coverage on the Web. Those tuning in will see the images at the same time as NASA, and get the analysis in real time. Phoenix's mission: Dig for ice that scientists believe exists just below the surface, and determine if it has ever, or could ever, support life.

A complete list of all attempted missions to Mars is here.

update: phoenix lander images being censored?

ny's spy choppers & 'rapid organ recovery' ambulances

unmarked chopper patrols nyc from high above
from ap: "They don't even know we're here," said crew chief John Diazo, speaking into a headset over the din of the aircraft's engine. The helicopter's unmarked paint job belies what's inside: an arsenal of sophisticated surveillance and tracking equipment powerful enough to read license plates - or scan pedestrians' faces - from high above the nation's largest metropolis... "It looks like just another helicopter in the sky," said Assistant Police Chief Charles Kammerdener, who oversees the department's aviation unit... The chopper is named simply "23" - for the number of police officers killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

ny planning special ambulance to recover organs
from washington post: In the hope of saving the lives of more people waiting for transplants, New York City is working on a plan to deploy a special ambulance to collect the bodies of people who have died suddenly from heart attacks, accidents and other emergencies and try to preserve their organs. If the "rapid-organ-recovery ambulance" succeeds, officials would like to expand the unique pilot program citywide with a fleet of ambulances and eventually duplicate it in other cities.

israel almost shot down blair force one

israel almost shot down blair force onefrom guardian: Two Israeli fighter aircraft threatened to shoot down a private jet transporting Tony Blair after coming under the misapprehension that the aircraft was staging a potential terrorist attack. Blair, who has served for 11 months as the Middle East "quartet" envoy, was en route to Israel from a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting at Sharm el Sheikh, in Egypt, on Wednesday morning when the warplanes were scrambled to intercept the jet, according to a report in the Times.

as energy fears loom, survivalists emerge

as energy fears loom, survivalists emergefrom ap: Convinced the planet's oil supply is dwindling and the world's economies are heading for a crash, some people around the country are moving onto homesteads, learning to live off their land, conserving fuel and, in some cases, stocking up on guns they expect to use to defend themselves and their supplies from desperate crowds of people who didn't prepare. The exact number of people taking such steps is impossible to determine, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the movement has been gaining momentum in the last few years.

folk music legend utah phillips dies at 73

folk music legend utah phillips dies at 73from the union: Folk music legend and peace and labor activist Utah Phillips died in his sleep Friday night in his Nevada City home. He was 73. Phillips had been suffering from a chronic heart disease since 2004. His remarkable career included international acclaim for the stories and songs he wrote about social and labor issues as well as his travels as a hobo who ran the rails as a young man.

ny priest caught stealing from collection plate

ny priest caught stealing from collection platefrom ap: A parish priest was arrested and charged on Friday with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from church accounts, including a fund for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The priest, the Rev. Patrick Dunne, 63, was arraigned on a grand larceny charge, Janet DiFiore, the Westchester district attorney, said. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 5 to 15 years in prison... The theft occurred between 2002 and 2007 and involved the church building fund, the regular Sunday collection and the Katrina relief fund.

arresting research & wrecking babylon

uk student researching 'al-qaeda tactics' turned in by academic informer at nottingham university
uk student researching 'al-qaeda tactics' turned in by academic informer at nottingham universityfrom guardian: A masters student researching terrorist tactics who was arrested and detained for six days after his university informed police about al-Qaida-related material he downloaded has spoken of the “psychological torture” he endured in custody. Despite his Nottingham University supervisors insisting the materials were directly relevant to his research, Rizwaan Sabir, 22, was held for nearly a week under the Terrorism Act, accused of downloading the materials for illegal use. The student had obtained a copy of the al-Qaida training manual from a US government website for his research into terrorist tactics.

The edited FBI-alleged Al Qaeda Training Manual from DoJ:

The full FBI-Alleged Al Qaeda Training Manual From Cryptome:

US military wrecks ancient babylon
US military wrecks ancient babylonfrom afp: The last outsiders to visit the ruins of the once-mighty city of Babylon in Iraq came in tanks and helicopters, leaving a blight on its historic and fragile landscape, archaeologists say. The city, born on the banks of the Euphrates River 5,000 years ago and full of priceless archaeological treasures, was transformed into a U.S. military camp after the 2003 invasion with a heliport built among the ruins... Iraqi archaeologist Hadi Mussa Qataa, who guided an AFP reporter through the fragile ruins, said helicopter take-offs and landings, along with the tremors from the heavy rumble of armored vehicles had damaged the city’s historic monuments.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

'sleeper cell' case questions bush authority to hold US residents as enemy combatants

'sleeper cell' case questions bush authority to hold US residents as enemy combatantsfrom ap: The case of a U.S. resident accused of being an al-Qaida sleeper agent is raising questions about the extent of the president's wartime powers.

Ali Al-Marri
came to the U.S. legally, the day before the 9/11 attacks. He arrived on a student visa to pursue a master's degree in computer science at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.

But the government alleges he was sent by al-Qaida to use his computer skills to disrupt the U.S. banking system and serve as a liaison for other al-Qaida operatives in the country.

missing bilions & war crimes evidence

pentagon can't account for $15 billion
from washington post: The inspector general for the Defense Department said yesterday that the Pentagon cannot account for almost $15 billion worth of goods and services ranging from trucks, bottled water and mattresses to rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns that were bought from contractors in the Iraq reconstruction effort. The Pentagon did not have the proper documentation, including receipts, vouchers, signatures, invoices or other paperwork, for $7.8 billion that American and Iraqi contractors were paid for phones, folders, paint, blankets, Nissan trucks, laundry services and other items, according to a 69-page audit released to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

fbi evidence that indicts george walker bush
for mass murder, war crimes & torture

from existentialist cowboy: A 370-page report by the Justice Department Inspector General references an FBI investigation of US torture that accuses the Bush White House, the National Security Council, the Pentagon and the Justice Department with 'ordering and planning' torture, including 'procedures' that resulted in death to 'detainees'. In other words - murder! The report details how the US began torturing captives in 2002. 'Attempts to stop it ... were systematically suppressed', evidence of criminal activity by the Bush administration covered up. Bush's cover up of torture is itself a crime for which he should be impeached, tried and prosecuted.

hillaray, rfk, what else do i have to say?

another blatant example of the assassination meme...

hillary cites rfk assassination as reason to continue
from raw replay: Sen. Hillary Clinton, in defending her decision to continue running for the Democratic nomination that almost certainly will go to rival Sen. Barack Obama, reportedly invoked the shooting death of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.
My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”

olbermann: clinton rfk remark ‘unforgivable’
from raw replay: An outraged Keith Olbermann directed blistering commentary at Hillary Clinton for referencing Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination while defending her decision to stay in the race. Hillary Clinton mentioned RFK’s assassination during an interview at Sioux Falls, S.D. Argus Leader. Clinton later expressed regret for the remarks.

the truth behind hillary’s faux pas:
crime families kill the competition

from kurt nimmo: Keith Olbermann, obvious Obama partisan, is shocked, just shocked Hillary Clinton would suggest “the inspirational leader” Obama might be assassinated, as RFK was assassinated before him, the Democrat nomination within his reach...

Here is the reality behind Clinton’s remark - political crime families, like Cosa Nostra crime families, on occasion kill the competition. RFK was not killed by a lone Sirhan Sirhan. Video and photographic evidence reveals that three senior CIA operatives were at the scene of Robert Kennedy’s assassination. “Three of these men have been positively identified as senior officers who worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA’s Miami base for its Secret War on Castro,” the BBC reported in 2006. “I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard,” boasted David Morales, Chief of Operations.
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