Monday, March 27, 2006
spies like US
from ny daily news: The NYPD is installing 505 surveillance cameras around the city... that could track hundreds of thousands of people and cars a day...
from rochester-citynews: You're being taped --- and it's happening so unobtrusively that you're probably not aware of it. What's more, it's legal, and it's only the beginning.
from asbury park press: "If you're doing the right thing, then there is no cause for concern."
Saturday, March 25, 2006
sheen & heard
so for the past several days the charlie sheen interview has been gaining steam or 'going viral.' in an amazing move, cnn actually covered the story. so that meant that the other news stations would have to cover it. and, of course, most love to use the c-word. but at least people are talking & questioning: cnn, raw story, allhiphop, himalayan times, wonkette, new york magazine, etc. or just check google news yourself...
one of the guests on the cnn/sheen segment was webster tarpley. in his book, "synthetic terror," tarpley writes that:
"The entire controversy about conspiracy theory is a diversion, and is generally conducted in such a way as to lead away from the facts on the table. Charges of conspiracy theory represent in their own way a form of ideological terrorism, and grow out of the intellectual climate of cold war McCarthyite witch-hunts."
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
v for voices
speaking of watching... after going to the portland protests on sunday, we went to see the comic-turned-movie v for vendetta. and then last night we watched the war at home, a documentary about the decade of vietnam protests centered in madison, wisconsin.
but it's going to take more than watching stuff to change things...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
weird science

plus: rfid tags!, insect cyborgs! & the big bang!
Monday, March 13, 2006
'freedom' at clinton st. theater
see my previous post here. read more here & here.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
'butcher of the balkans'

Friday, March 10, 2006
winter of our discontent
(read poll results here and brace yourself for what desperate people will do to stay in power.)
from herald sun: The US military prison at Abu Ghraib, Saddam Hussein's torture centre that became a symbol of shame for the American occupation of Iraq, is to close within months.
from the register: RFID has been steaming ahead in the US, with the combined weight of Walmart and the Pentagon forcing a broad spectrum of vendors and suppliers to pick up the technology.
from slate: why coppola's wiretap classic still bugs us
from aol news: faith hill calls katrina cleanup "bull$#it"
Thursday, March 09, 2006
they're coming to take me away, haha

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
from freedom...
watch the trailer here.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
patriot? it's all an act.
from associated press: The House renewed the USA Patriot Act in a cliffhanger vote Tuesday night, extending a centerpiece of the war on terrorism at President Bush's urging after months of political combat over the balance between privacy rights and the pursuit of potential terrorists.
Bush, forced by filibuster to accept new curbs on law enforcement investigations, is expected to sign the legislation before 16 provisions of the 2001 law expire on Friday.
Monday, March 06, 2006
news on the march
iraq war increases likelihood of terrorism, says bbc poll
from ny daily news:
are we ready for 'terrorist' movies?
from tennessean:
surveillance = safety
from alternet:
"we, you know, bring up subjects."
Saturday, March 04, 2006
bush on trial

Friday, March 03, 2006
more bush secrecy...
He said he requested the meeting following disclosure last month of a program in which thousands of documents, previously declassified, were being removed from public access. Historians protested the practice, saying they had access to many of the documents in past years...
The New York Times, which disclosed the reclassification program last month, reported that archivists have said the agencies involved include the Central Intelligence Agency, the Air Force and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
snorer in the court

"The subject matter was extremely technical," notes AP writer Gina Holland, "and near the end of the argument Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dozed in her chair."
During a report by Megyn Kendall of Fox News, an artist's sketch of the hearing was aired with Ginsburg's head using the bench as a pillow.
There was no word if there was any audible snoring echoing through the esteemed chamber, but the sleep session was noticed by Bader's colleagues who made a snap judgment to let their associate continue her slumber.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
oregon senator unveils 'net neutrality'
The bill to ensure so-called 'Net neutrality' would also prohibit network operators from favoring content over others, such as their own video services over those of Internet companies.
In unveiling the Internet Nondiscrimination Act of 2006, Wyden said in a statement that allowing cable and telephone companies to create a two-tiered system for distributing content over their networks would "have a chilling effect on small mom and pop businesses that can't afford the priority lane, leaving these smaller businesses no hope of competing against the Wal-Marts of the world."
patriot act renewed by senate
from the new york times: Senators voting against the bill today, besides Mr. Feingold and Mr. Jeffords, were Akaka of Hawaii, Bingaman of New Mexico, Byrd of West Virginia, Harkin of Iowa, Leahy of Vermont, Levin of Michigan, Murray of Washington and Wyden of Oregon.
The ACLU expressed deep disappointment with today's vote. "The Patriot Act contains too many intrusive powers that lack meaningful checks and balances... debate is far from over: secret record searches must be reformed so they are focused on suspected foreign terrorists and not used to invade the private records of ordinary Americans. Congress can, and must, take steps to fix the Patriot Act to keep America both safe and free."
the most dangerous film of the year

Sure, this film is about a fictional fascist state that denies its people basic liberties and makes them live in fear, and sure it's set in the London of the future, but there's no hiding the fact that the film's timeline is one that begins today.
tim robbins' patriot act

The Actors' Gang show differs markedly from previous Orwell adaptations in that Sullivan and Robbins focus on the book within the novel, written by Big Brother's enemy No. 1, Goldstein, who argues that capitalism uses continual warfare as a means of economic exploitation and control.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
simpsons 'trump' 1st amendment