there's a new mexico?" as many of you know, we went '
off the grid' last week. although we did discover some wi-fi by the second day, i still stuck to my '
internet fast' for the most part. but i took notes on some of the interesting things that happened while visiting family in
taos, here are some highlights:
- we saw
shirley maclaine at the santa fe airport, she was wearing a big jacket that said '
ghetto blaster' on the back
- there's a pretty cool radio station called
ktao 101.9fm (
it's solar powered!); and i was listening for the
emergency alert system test to happen, but they didn't participate. (
here's what the test looked like elsewhere) and apparently, they weren't alone: '
emergency drill fails in new mexico'
- meanwhile, they're working on something called the '
taos regional command communications center'. brought to you by homeland security & the local 'power' company
kit carson, it basically looks to be a consolidation of emergency, power & communication services. and, of course: "
this system will also be responsible for monitoring cyber security tied to smart grid and green grid systems."
- our plane out of santa fe was delayed, which made us miss our connection at lax... yesterday, i saw this article about the airline we used: '
dept. of transportation issues first fine against airline for tarmac delay'
- i hope keane made a lot of money licensing "
everybody's changing" to alaska airlines, but damn i used to really like that song...
- the council on foreign relations magazine,
foreign affairs, was prominently displayed on sale at the newport news store in the los angeles international airport.
- i had my first chance to opt-out of the radioactive naked body scanners at lax; instead,
i got felt up by a very nice gentlemen who didn't even tell me his name. it was around this point that i remembered it was veteran's day &
that's why it was so crowded... we were reminded once again that it was a holiday by the fine folks at
heinz ketchup.
i also drove a car for the first time in a decade, saw
petroglyphs & more that i'll mention on the upcoming
episode239... thanks for indulging me, james