Monday, July 30, 2012

Corbett Report: Episode237 - Fukushima's Biggest Secret

Listen to @CorbettReport on @RBNlive Weeknights at 10 Eastern Time
Corbett Report: Episode237 - Fukushima's Biggest Secret from corbett report: Along with the tragic loss of life, the destruction of homes, farms, businesses and property, and the beginning of the Fukushima nuclear crisis, the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami exposed the biggest secret of all: that the myth of the necessity of nuclear power in Japan is just that. A myth. Find out more about Fukushima’s biggest secret in this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.


Previous: Episode236 - Peeling The Onion

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Peace Revolution: Episode061 -
Cybernetics, Technocracy and Agenda 21

Thanks to @TragedyAndHope ... Subscribe to Peace Revolution!

Episode061 - Cybernetics, Technocracy and Agenda 21
Reference Map to Episode061:
(minutes 0-2) Star Trek and Books (on YouTube)
(2m-9m) Agenda 21’s Public-Private Partnership Strategy by Joan Veon (on YouTube)
(9m-13m) Learned Helplessness (on YouTube)
(13m-20m) Richard’s opening monologue
(20m-1h) Technocracy by Patrick Wood (on YouTube)
(1h-2h) Corbett Report # 230 Social Engineering by James Corbett
(2h-3h20) Agenda 21 Explained, by John Anthony (on YouTube)
(3h20-4h) U.N. Earth Summit 1992: Making World Government A Reality by George Washington Hunt (on YouTube)
     (Document) 1992 U.N.C.E.D. (Agenda 21) Documents from George Washington Hunt (on Scribd)
     (Person) Maurice Strong (on Wikipedia)
     (Person) Edmund de Rothschild (on Wikipedia)
(4h-4h-40) History of U.N. Disarmament and U.N. gun-ban treaty July 2012 by Bob Dacy and Alex Jones (on YouTube)
(4h40-5h) Samples from “The Net” cybernetics and psywar documentary (on YouTube)
(5h-6h20) Hour 1 of a 6-hour Cybernetics Tutorial and History by Professor Umpleby (on YouTube)
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 041, 042, 043, 045, 057, 060

Previous: Episode060 - The Invisible Empire of The New World Order /
You Can Hear It, If You Listen

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Study Shows Pop Music Too Loud And All Sounds The Same

Study Shows Pop Music Too Loud And All Sounds The Same
from Comforting news for anyone over the age of 35, scientists have worked out that modern pop music really is louder and does all sound the same. Researchers in Spain used a huge archive known as the Million Song Dataset, which breaks down audio and lyrical content into data that can be crunched, to study pop songs from 1955 to 2010.

A team led by artificial intelligence specialist Joan Serra at the Spanish National Research Council ran music from the last 50 years through some complex algorithms and found that pop songs have become intrinsically louder and more bland in terms of the chords, melodies and types of sound used. "We found evidence of a progressive homogenization of the musical discourse," Serra told Reuters. "In particular, we obtained numerical indicators that the diversity of transitions between note combinations - roughly speaking chords plus melodies - has consistently diminished in the last 50 years."

They also found the so-called timbre palette has become poorer. The same note played at the same volume on, say, a piano and a guitar is said to have a different timbre, so the researchers found modern pop has a more limited variety of sounds. Intrinsic loudness is the volume baked into a song when it is recorded, which can make it sound louder than others even at the same volume setting on an amplifier. The music industry has long been accused of ramping up the volume at which songs are recorded in a 'loudness war' but Serra says this is the first time it has been properly measured using a large database.

The study, which appears in the journal Scientific Reports, offers a handy recipe for musicians in a creative drought. Old tunes re-recorded with increased loudness, simpler chord progressions and different instruments could sound new and fashionable. The Rolling Stones in their 50th anniversary year should take note.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Episode267 - The Rule Of The Game

Episode267 - The Rule Of The Game
"This is a drill and these are blanks" on Media Monarchy: Episode267 - The Rule Of The Game w/ Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero, Dark Knightmare, Colorado Copycat Coverups and the "Olympian" Newspurge + Fake Rain and Brain Pain on Food World Order - MicroSkype, Phone Hacks and Solar Max in Cyber/Space\War - Mystery Schools, Mind Control and the Mega Ritual Roundup on Holy Hexes + Opening Ceremony Sounds by Laetitia Sadier, Chemical Brothers, Doug Stanhope, Gene and tons more...

Episode267: MP3/Feeds\Archive

Previous: Episode266 -
Feel Good Hit Of The Summer

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New World Next Week: Episode121 - Good Terror, Aussie Spies, Copycat Olympics Episode121 -
Good Terror, Aussie Spies, Copycat Olympics

Episode121 - Good Terror, Aussie Spies, Copycat OlympicsWelcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: US Position On Syria Directly Endorses Terrorism
Related: Hillary Says Russia, China "Will Pay A Price" Over Support For Syria
Al-Qaeda Taking Deadly New Role in Syria's Conflict
Thomas L. Friedman Says "Syria Is Iraq"

Story #2: Australia's Spies Active In World's Strategic Hotspots
Background: ASIS On Wikipedia
Flashback: ASIS Involvement In Papua New Guinea

Story #3: London Olympics Officials Prepare For Cyber Attacks
Related: 2012 Olympics Special On Red Ice Radio
G4S Olympic Security Fiasco On Red Ice Radio
Colorado 'Movie Murder Massacre' Sensationalized By Media
The Copycat Effect With Loren Coleman On Corbett Report Radio
UN Treaty on Global Arms Trade Sparks Criticism

Episode121 - Good Terror, Aussie Spies, Copycat OlympicsVisit to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. We also have weekly episodes from And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report here and Media Monarchy here. We also have weekly episodes from Thank you.

Previous: Episode120 - Commander Kim, Riot TV, Dark Knight Politics

Monday, July 23, 2012

Corbett Report: Episode236 - Peeling The Onion

Listen to @CorbettReport on @RBNlive Weeknights at 10 Eastern Time
Corbett Report: Episode236 - Peeling The Onionfrom corbett report: Comedy outlets like The Onion provide timely, insightful political satire. But does this brand of comedy help to legitimize a corrupt system, or merely normalize it? We explore these issues with James Evan Pilato of, sample some of the funniest clips from modern news satire, and premiere James Corbett’s latest satire video on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.


Previous: Episode235 - Meet Alexander Hamilton

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Colorado 'Movie Murder Massacre' Sensationalized By Media

Colorado 'Movie Murder Massacre' Sensationalized By Media
from If it bleeds it leads”. That is the media motto. A motto proved with the coverage of the Aurora, Colorado shootings. One radio outlet dubbed it the "movie murder massacre." It led the news all day long and still is. Droning live reports of, well, nothing, dominate the media. All anyone knew for sure was one person, James Holmes, shot, wounded, and killed people in a dark movie theater during the midnight opening of “The Dark Knight Rises”. In a spectacular frenzy of sensationalism, the media bored us with footage and babbling commentary about what they did not know, and their experts who have no expertise. They just could not resist turning a tragedy into a spectacular national media lollapalooza. P.T. Barnum would be proud. It was sad and pathetic to see how low the media sank in the name of sensationalism.


Batman Accused's Records Withheld*

Unanswered questions about Colorado theater massacre*
Witness thinks someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater*
Video: Eyewitness Says Someone deliberately let the gunman inside*
Video: Conspiratus Ubiquitus*
Video: Can people be hypnotically programmed to kill?*
Video: Assassination studies: Sirhan Sirhan*
Video: The Assassination of John Lennon*

Friday, July 20, 2012

Episode266 - Feel Good Hit Of The Summer

Episode266 - Feel Hit Of The Summer
"Take the trouble to decide the things you do, will not be the things that don't appeal to you" on Media Monarchy: Episode266 - Feel Good Hit Of The Summer w/ 'Dark Knight' Politics, Promethean Grove and Communications Control - 'Newsroom' 'Network', False Catharsis and the "Into The Fire" Newspurge + Soft-Kill Secrets on Food World Order - Reality Rules in Cyber/Space\War - Monumental ZiOlympics on Holy Hexes + "Mainline" Music by Queens Of The Stone Age, Deep Purple, Uncle Lionel Batiste and the Treme Brass Band, Kitty Wells, Dick Haymes and so very much more...

Episode266: MP3/Feeds\Archive

Previous: Episode265 - The New Sorcery

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New World Next Week: Episode120 -
Commander Kim, Riot TV, Dark Knight Politics Episode120 -
Commander Kim, Riot TV, Dark Knight Politics

Episode120 - Commander Kim, Riot TV, Dark Knight PoliticsWelcome back to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Rivals Father, Grandfather With Growing List Of Titles
North Korea Leader Gives Thumbs Up To 'Rocky,' Disney Characters
'Mystery Woman' Stirs Talk Of Changing Times In North Korea

Story #2: Court Order Prevents BBC From Broadcasting Film About Riots
Meanwhile In America, Flash Mob Causes Havoc At Florida Wal-Mart

Story #3: Is 'The Dark Knight Rises' A Political Flick?
Twilight Language And The Bane/Bain Connection
Limbaugh And The 'Dark Knight Rises' Conspiracy

Episode120 - Commander Kim, Riot TV, Dark Knight PoliticsVisit to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. We also have weekly episodes from And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report here and Media Monarchy here. We also have weekly episodes from Thank you.

Previous: Episode119 - Bad ACTA, Reactor Restart, Euro Banksters

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

#Newspurge: Into The Fire

Video: Billions Spent Destroying and Rebuilding Elsewhere as Infrastructure Crumbles At Home*

The Valid Value of Money – National Vitality*
Video: Why the Justice Department doesn't catch banksters, terrorists and other enemies of the nation*

NATO started naval exercises off the coast of Syria*

Scenarios for the Upcoming Naval Resource Wars*
Video: Massive military buildup in the Persian Gulf*
Clinton: Russia and China “will pay” for supporting Syria*
China: US Uses Drills like RIMPAC 2012 to accelerate its eastward shift of strategy*
Obama Approves Loan to Vietnamese Communists to Buy Satellite from Lockheed Martin*
Jordanian politician pulls gun on live TV as tempers flare over Syria*
Forget Balkanization. Here comes the Pakistanization of the Middle-East*
New book claims Mossad assassination unit killed Iranian nuclear scientists:
Authors also breach taboo by discussing Israel's own nuclear arsenal
"Spies Against Armageddon": Dan Raviv, Yossi Melman*
Paving the Way for a U.S.-Canada Economic and Security Perimeter*
Grandmothers of Buranovo Give Russian Village New Life:
After the Buranovskiye Babushki became a hit at the Eurovision song contest and on the Internet, improvements came to the village of Buranovo.
Video: A small victory for Argentina's stolen children.*

Roger Waters Points 'The Wall' Toward Abuse of Power*

Roger Waters Points 'The Wall' Toward Abuse of Power
‘Source of Uncertainty,’ Featuring Morton Subotnick, at Schimmel Center*
CBGB Festival, at Webster Hall Summerstage and Times Square*
Singer Nicki Minaj Accuses TSA Agent of ‘Overtly Fondling’ Her at Airport Checkpoint*
Body found is missing Stone Roses fan*
Ernest Borgnine‬, an actor with nearly seven decades on screen, dies at 95*
Cro-Mags punk charged in knife attack on band*
Chumbawamba to split up*
Kitty Wells, Country Music's First Female Superstar, Dies at 92*
Deep Purple’s Jon Lord Dies At Age 71*
Lionel Batiste, Treme Brass Band Drummer, Dies at 81*

Death on the Obama Campaign Trail ~ Again*

Obama Trails Romney Again in Battle for Campaign Cash*
Alaska‬ DOT Construction Signs Hacked To Read '‪#ImpeachObama‬'*
Video: Barack O'Romney: Comparing, side by side, the words and political stances of Republican and Democratic presidential candidates Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama*

Police State Updates:
FBI Prepares Billion-Dollar Iris Recognition Database*

DHS taps database of license plate snapshots to hunt fugitives*
Mobile-Phone Surveillance by Police Targets Millions Annually*
Video: Police single out citizen journalists*
Video: Report from the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Conference*
Video: Fast & Furious staged to pass UN gun treaty?*
Video: Arming smaller drones with tiny bombs only 'months away': The tiny drones used as 'eyes in the sky' were too small and lightweight to be armed with bombs - until now.*
Video: Virginia to vote on Eminent Domain Amendment*

West Virginia Worry:
Little Girl, Tired Of West Virginia Power Outage: 'You Need To Come And Fix It'*
As Mine Protections Fail, Black Lung Cases Surge: An investigation by NPR and the Center for Public Integrity found federal regulators and the mining industry are failing to protect miners from the excessive toxic coal mine dust that causes black lung. The disease is now being diagnosed in younger miners and evolving more quickly to complicated stages.*

Monday, July 16, 2012

Corbett Report: Episode235 - Meet Alexander Hamilton

Listen to @CorbettReport on @RBNlive Weeknights at 10 Eastern Time
Corbett Report: Episode235 - Meet Alexander Hamiltonfrom corbett report: An illegitimate child born in the West Indies, Alexander Hamilton was an unlikely choice to be a founding father of the American Republic. Still, a founding father he was and he did his best to leave his mark on the fledgling American nation. Meet Alexander Hamilton, advocate of debt, central banking, corporate welfare, an elected king, a standing army, and a tyrannical central government.


Previous: Episode234 - How To Carve Up The World

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Peace Revolution: Episode059 - The Cult of Scientific Management

Thanks to @TragedyAndHope ... Subscribe to Peace Revolution!

Episode059 - The Cult of Scientific Management
Reference Map to Episode059:
(0-6m) TED Talk: Income Inequality by Nick Hanauer
(6m-8m) Samples from The New World Order and The World Order by Eustace Mullins
(8m-19m) Sample from “The Underground History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto (2001); Chapter 9 “The Cult of Scientific Management
(19m-27m ) Cody Hall on FTL
(27m-32m ) Cody Hall on School Sucks Live! Episode 149e (Porcfest Micro-Series)
(32m-1h4m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(Book) The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z edited by Harry Binswanger
(Definition) Self-Defense (See also: Draft; Foreign Policy; Government; Individual Rights; Life, Right to; Pacifism; Retaliatory Force; War.)
(Definition) Kleptoparasitism (on Wikipedia)
(Reference) Intraspecific Kleptoparasites / Search: Rothschild (in the document)
(Document) U.S. Congressional Record 76th Congress August 19th – September 5th, 1940 by Hon. Jacob Thorkelson
(Person ) Jacob Thorkelson (on Wikipedia)
(Book) The Scientific Outlook (1931) by Bertrand Russell (pdf available on, 1954 edition)
(1h4m-2h) Corbett Report episode 234: How to Carve Up the World
(Event) The Sykes-Picot Agreement (on Wikipedia)
(2h-2h45m) The World Order by Eustace Mullins
(Reference) American International Corporation (Modern History Project)
(Related Articles)
George Pratt Shultz: Profile of a Hit Man *
Final Warning: A History of the New World Order *
America's Secret Establishment **
The World Order *******
Wall Street and F.D.R. *******
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution **********
(2h45m-4h16m) The Cult of Scientific Management by John Taylor Gatto
(Person) Frederick Winslow Taylor (on Wikipedia)
(4h16m-5h21m) Corbett Report episode 232: AIG Exposed
(5h21m-5h54m ) The World Order by Eustace Mullins (different lecture, same topic)
See Also: Peace Revolution episodes: 002, 008, 018, 021, 032, 043

Previous: Episode058 - The Mystery of Civil Obedience

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Obama Executive Order Seizes Control Of Communications Systems

Video: Controlling Communications Via Executive Order
Obama Executive Order Seizes Control Of Communications Systems
from President Obama has usurped all available forms of communication for the use and discretion of the US government. Under executive order (EO), Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions, Obama has enabled the executive branch to control communications under all “possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience.” Radio and wired communications systems “of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.” ... The Presidential Alert was announced in August of 2011, wherein the Commissioners for the FCC required that television, radio stations and cable systems (including satellites) will redirect broadcasting if the President wants to “alert Americans of impending danger”... This latest EO is but one in a long string of presidential shows of authority that lays the foundation for the establishment of a dictatorship in America.

Updates: President seizes control of all U.S. communications*
Video: Govt. re-prioritizing U.S. communications*

Monday, July 09, 2012

Corbett Report: Episode234 - How To Carve Up The World

Listen to @CorbettReport on @RBNlive Weeknights at Midnight
Corbett Report: Episode234 - How To Carve Up The Worldfrom corbett report: So you say you want to rule the world? Redraw the map to conform to your whims and move pieces around the geopolitical chessboard for your entertainment? Well this week on The Corbett Report we show you just how to do that, with some useful examples from the War to End All Wars…or was that the Peace to End All Peace?


Previous: Episode233 - The Kubrick Question

Saturday, July 07, 2012

'The Newsroom' Is The Inverse of 'Network'

False Catharsis In HBO's 'Newsroom'*
'The Newsroom' Is The Inverse of 'Network'
from Aaron Sorkin’s new HBO series The Newsroom begins with what many will call a Network moment, when a news anchor, finally unshackled by the chains of bland neutrality, comes out and says what he really thinks. In this case, it’s Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels), a man so determined not to alienate viewers of any political persuasion that he’s been dubbed “the Jay Leno of news anchors.” When asked during a panel discussion, “What makes America the greatest country in the world?,” Will finally comes to a point when the standard bromides from the left (Diversity!) and the right (Freedom!) are intolerable, and it’s time for everyone to acknowledge that, in fact, we’re a nation in decline. And that we only lead the world in incarcerated citizens. And that the Millennials are the “worst—period—generation—period—ever—period.” And that we once “reached for the stars” and were “informed by great men” and blah blah blah fuckity blah.

But really, this is not a Network moment, but an “Aaron Sorkin moment,” those oft-occurring rants when a hardened cynic is revealed as a bruised idealist. In Network, Peter Finch’s “mad as hell” speech lands him at the center of a three-ring media circus, surrounded by fortune-tellers, gossips, and a rabid studio audience. The Newsroom may pivot on a similar breakdown, but it’s the inverse of Network: Telling the unvarnished truth brings Will to the more dignified and righteous place of being his real self, a modern-day Cronkite or Murrow who can drop the fair-and-balanced pose and “speak truth to stupid” when the occasion warrants it. For Sorkin skeptics, this is very dangerous territory.

Flashback: 'Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip' -
"Are We Being Lobotomized While Art Gets Its Ass Kicked?"

Updates: Thanks to Red Ice Creations!*
The Outsourcing of Local News*
News media corruption and 'Starsuckers'*

Friday, July 06, 2012

Episode265 - The New Sorcery

Episode265 - The New Sorcery
"To get a good job you need a proper schooling, Now who the hell do ya think you're fooling" on Media Monarchy: Episode265 - The New Sorcery w/ Elites Attack, Mayberry Memes and the "Not My Place" Newspurge + Rare Earth, Celebrity and Security on Food World Order - God's Particle, Leap Second and Black Box Programming in Cyber/Space\War - Katie's Baby, Conversion Allegations and Necrolympics on Holy Hexes + "Teleprompt" Tunes by The Ramones, Lamb of God, Samuel Smith, Dan Bull, My First Earthquake and tons more...

Episode265: MP3/Feeds\Archive

Previous: Episode264 - National Anthem

Thursday, July 05, 2012

New World Next Week: Episode119 - Bad ACTA, Reactor Restart, Euro Banksters Episode119 -
Bad ACTA, Reactor Restart, Euro Banksters

Episode119 - Bad ACTA, Reactor Restart, Euro BankstersWelcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: European Parliament Kills Global Anti-Piracy Accord
Related: Twitter Shares Info On Gov't Demands For User Data
Twitter Transparency Report
'Black Boxes' To Monitor All UK Internet, Phone Data
'Black Box' Is Watching You! UK 'Online Spy Bill' Privacy Threat
Foreign Powers Will Be Allowed To Access Email, Phone Records

Story #2: Japan Restarts First Reactor Since Fukushima Crisis
Related: Japan's Energy Policy In Flux As Nuclear Restart Begins
Summer's Extreme Weather Is 'What Global Warming Looks Like'
Restoring Power In WV Poses Challenges

Story #3: Euro Bank Supervisor Faces Hurdles
Related: Barclays CEO Resigns - Scandal Links To Bank Of England

Episode119 - Bad ACTA, Reactor Restart, Euro BankstersVisit to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. We also have weekly episodes from And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report here and Media Monarchy here. We also have weekly episodes from Thank you.

Previous: Episode118 - Six Strikes, Sex Tracks, Church Attacks

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

#Newspurge: It's Not My Place

Rhode Island First State to Pass Homeless Bill of Rights*

Five dead after German gunman 'took hostages when bailiffs arrived to evict him from his flat'*
Video: Chris Hedges Says: "Brace Yourself" -
The American Empire is over and the descent is going to be horrifying; Slow motion coup d'etat underway
Video: "We are absolutely slaves to central banks."*

Washington building ‘Pentagon’ in Kabul*

U.S. Defense Contractor Illegally Helped China Build Attack Helicopters*
Is China’s Next President Richer than Mitt Romney?*
Nicolas Sarkozy's offices and home raided by French police*
Radioactive polonium found in Arafat's clothes*
German spy chief quits in neo-Nazi files scandal*
Zbigniew Brzezinski: ‘There is a need for a Middle Eastern Ataturk’*
Iran threatens swift retaliation on U.S. bases*
Investigate 9/11: Open Letter to KL War Crimes Commission*
The Destabilization of Pakistan*
Scenarios for Syria: War & Stabilization*
Video: The Case Against Moving Forward -
Obama Declared National Emergency Over Syria In April

Ohio‬ Man Challenges ‪Obama‬ to Arm-Wrestling for Vote*

Ohio‬ Man Challenges ‪Obama‬ to Arm-Wrestling for Vote
Obama welcomes new service-member US citizens in July 4 ceremony*
Romney's Bain Capital Invested in Abortion Fetus-Disposal Company, Stericycle*
Video: Comedian Jon Stewart on Obama's claim of Executive Privilege*

Police State Updates:
Show Me Your Papers*

DoD/DARPA Records Citizens' Encounters with SFPD*
Heat Invades St. Charles County Bioterrorism Drill*
Subway Bomb Drill Unannounced to Commanding Officers, First Responders*
London Olympics Whistleblower Reveals Himself, Continues Claims of Possible Evacuation, 200,000 Casket Linings on Hold*

Portlandia/Oregon Oddities:
Real-Life Superheroes Strive for the Greater Good*

Another Oregon County, Hit by Budget Cuts, Releases Prisoners … Including 3 Homicide Suspects*
Gantz brothers film documentary on Portland's struggling middle class*

West Virginia Worry:
West Virginia struggles with power outages amid new storms*

In West Virginia, Mass Feedings Planned In Wake Of Storms, Heat Wave*
West Virginia's hilly terrain slows power restoration*
More than 342,000 power outages remain in West Virginia*
West Virginia Coping with Prison Overcrowding Problem*
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