mystery is a source of leverage & power" on
episode244 of media monarchy w/ last rites, korean war & a false dawn - payroll predictions, neti plots, saab stories &
the work on christmas newspurge - pagan celebrations, solstice shrouds & abuse scandal updates
on holy hexes - planets, patents & manning up
on cyber/space\war - pecan thieves, salt babies & the fanta santa soda
on food world order +
seasonal sounds by harvey danger, caetano veloso, hawkdogg, sloan & so much more...
episode244: download/subscribe\archive

media monarchy is originally broadcast live on the
portland radio authority,
zero point radio &
revere radio every friday at 10am pacific time...
and a huge thanks to
free radio olympia,
berkeley liberation radio,
ground zero radio,
one sky radio & others for rebroadcasting the show...
plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes through
itunes & radio4all.net +
hi-quality mp3s suitable for rebroadcast provided by archive.org & radio23.org ... thank you
previous: episode243
1 comment:
Article in todays paper; Police seeking corporate sponsership. I must admit, I was a NASCAR fan for several years. Then around '97 I saw it for what it was; America Inc. a runaway train. And we sat by waiting for "The big one"(common term for a spectacular crash). Today we are living the idiocracy of "The big one" as it slowly plays out with our pennies representing threads working together mysteriously adding length to levers within an increasingly complex apparatus of our baited desires.
mark b
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