download apr20th episode part1 [18mb MP3]
Almost from out of nowhere this spate of Pirate attacks are gaining the attention of the American media. The Obama administration is grandstanding on its intervention in Somalian waters, However the administration is lacking vision into the bigger picture. The people that get the mainstream narrative in the United States are not getting the whole story either. The reality is that this adulation of the violent policing of “piracy” is an embarrassment for us as a country and a complete exercise in hypocrisy on the part of the Obama administration. This Piracy incident underscores how haphazardly the foreign policy of the United States has not changed and unfortunately we see that policies of “shoot first ask questions later” are put into practice.
The so- called “pirates” propaganda is being used as a smokescreen to invade, destabilize, and control the Horn of Africa. The Pirates are the pretext to justify all means of military invasion in Somalia that could eventually lead to military invasion/intervention in the horn of Africa. The so-called pirates crisis is a struggle between China, America and the West to control the strategic waterways in Somalia and the Horn of Africa.
Somalia's strategic position in the Horn of Africa means that any nation that dominates this area will have tremendous control over world trade. The even darker story behind the piracy takes into account CIA transitional puppet governments, illegal dumping in coastal waters and the Toxic aftermath. While piracy is an abhorrent practice, the half truth of Somalian “piracy” is equally despicable. This Ground Zero Lounge will lead you to a remarkable conclusion that twists its direction into the tragedy of ecological disaster on planet earth far more destructive than Global Warming.
download apr20th episode part2 [18mb MP3]
flashback: supertanker loaded with oil hijacked by somali pirates
Recorded every Monday evening in front of a live audience at Dante's Inferno in Portland Oregon, the Ground Zero Lounge features Clyde Lewis in this audience participation discussion of current events as they relate to the paranormal.
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