mccain, coulter, hillary, rush & obama: so happy together
obama pushes bill that would mandate global tax from paul joseph watson: Presidential frontrunner Barack Obama is pushing a bill that will lead to the implementation of a UN global tax, costing the U.S. at least $845 billion dollars over thirteen years in the name of fighting worldwide poverty, as well as banning "small arms and light weapons". The "Global Poverty Act," which is sponsored by Obama, is up for a Senate vote today, and if passed would mandate the U.S. to spend 0.7 percent of the gross national product on foreign aid, on top of the money being sent out of the country already.
the two faces of barack obama from global research: Appearing before a packed auditorium... Barack Obama delivered a speech that was notable for its populist demagogy, not only on the war in Iraq but also social conditions in America... But this populist primary rhetoric is only one face of Obama. There is another, and it is turned firmly towards the very corporate interests he publicly criticizes, which have poured tens of millions of dollars into his campaign.
key clinton backer guilty in sibel edmonds case from marc parent: Earlier this week, the New York Post ran a Page 6 piece, ODD FILM BY HILLARY BACKER, which highlights the close relationship between Hillary Clinton and Chicago-based Turkish businessman Mehmet Celebi. Celebi, "one of the national leaders of the Turkish-American community in the US," is a key fundraiser for Clinton, and is one of Clinton's Chicago delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Celebi was also heavily involved in the controversial 2006 movie "Valley of the Wolves: Iraq" which has been widely regarded as "anti-Semitic, anti-American, conspiratorial agitprop." Mehmet Celebi is also a key figure in the Sibel Edmonds case - he is heavily involved in the narcotics trade in the US and the corruption and bribery of high-level US officials.
mccain votes against waterboarding ban (hillary & obama conveniently skip the vote altogether) from thinkprogess: Today, the Senate brought the Intelligence Authorization Bill to the floor, which contained a provision from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) establishing one interrogation standard across the government... John McCain (R-AZ), a former prisoner of war, has spoken strongly in favor of implementing the Army Field Manual standard. When confronted today with the decision of whether to stick with his conscience or cave to the right wing, McCain chose to ditch his principles and insteadvote to preserve waterboarding.
john mccain votes to allow waterboarding from raw replay: Keith Olbermann calls the Senator from Arizona John McCain on his vote to allow the C.I.A. to use waterboarding. The following video is from MSNBC’s COUNTDOWN with Keith Olbermann, broadcast on February 14, 2008.
limbaugh defends clinton & obama on iraq from nysun: Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is so exasperated about Senator McCain's surge in the Republican presidential contest that he is coming to the defense of Senators Clinton and Obama... "They are not going to surrender the country to Islamic radicalism or the war in Iraq," Mr. Limbaugh said after mentioning the two Democratic senators by name. "They are not going to do that to themselves, despite what their base says."
coulter: i'll campaign for hillary if mccain is the nominee
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