january 13, 2000: real-time video manipulation technology could be abused, says cbs news chief from history commons: Following the publication of a front-page article in the New York Times on the use of fake, digitally-created images in some CBS programs like “The Early Show”, CBS executives call a press conference to defend and explain the practice. While the technology has been used in sports broadcasting for several years now (see 1999 and After), many are troubled by its use in news programs. CBS Television used the technology developed by Princeton Video Image to superimpose a digitally created CBS logo to block out an NBC-sponsored sign in Times Square during its news coverage of New Year’s Eve celebrations. Dan Rather, the CBS anchor, calls that “a mistake”. “At the very least we should have pointed out to viewers that we were doing it.” Both NBC and ABC told the New York Times that they had not used the technology in their news broadcasting. But CBS defends the practice. “Anytime there’s an NBC logo up on our network we’ll block it again”, says Leslie Moonves, the president of CBS Television. Andrew Heyward, the president of the news division, acknowledges the potential for abuse or deception: “He said that he understood the argument against the use of the technology—which is widely employed in sports and some entertainment shows—on news programs. The danger is ‘that it looks too real and therefore it’s wrong or potentially wrong,’ he said. ‘I certainly agree it’s potentially subject to abuse.’ He noted that advances in computer-generated techniques had made things like missiles hitting Baghdad and airplanes crashing look so real that it was incumbent on networks to underscore that these were not real images. ‘We’re not sitting here rubbing our hands, saying how can we use this again,’ Mr. Heyward said. ‘We are not in the deception business. We’re in the reality business; we’re in the accuracy business. To the extent that this technology interferes with that core belief we’re not going to do it. We will absolutely take seriously the use of this tool.’”
1994: US air force launches top-secret ‘holographic projector’ research program from history commons: According to a 1999 Washington Post website report, the US Air Force starts a research program this year to develop a “holographic projector” as a psychological warfare weapon. Holograms are three-dimensional images created by laser technology. The US military explored the idea of using holograms during the 1991 Gulf War to deceive the Iraqis, but did not pursue it for technical reasons. One idea was to project a hologram of Allah several hundred feet in size over Baghdad, but this would take a mirror in space more than a mile square, plus huge projectors and power sources. Additionally, there are strict Islamic proscriptions on the depiction of Allah. However, the US military did not abandon the concept. “The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that [the Post] has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for PSYOPS [psychological operations] application. The 'Holographic Projector' is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to 'project information power from space… for special operations deception missions.'” A 1996 study commissioned by a US Air Force panel called “Air Force 2025” shows how a future “Airborne Holographic Projector” might look like. In this illustration, a virtual aircraft is created to deceive the enemy as to the size and location of attacking forces.
(...another big thanks to doug & michael @ blacklisted news for helping get this story out...)
1 comment:
As somebody working in the photonics business I can make an assumption as to what one of the main problems of this issue currently is.
Ironically, it is in fact, the BLUE beam. To project a 3D life-like hologram, you would in fact require a rather complex interaction of three beams in one. This would probably be sensible to do according to the RGB system. The projection screen can react differently to each wavelength, that’s not the issue. There are multi-laser engines available on the market that can do this without problem.
The problem that I see is that the BLUE beam (ironically) is the one that is currently almost impossible to project with the needed power to project an alien mothership into a cloud in broad day-light. Green lasers, red lasers, yellow lasers no problem. Blue, however, is.
However, it must also be said that semiconductor research and photonics research is developing so rapidly that this problem may soon be a thing of the past.
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1 comment:
As somebody working in the photonics business I can make an assumption as to what one of the main problems of this issue currently is.
Ironically, it is in fact, the BLUE beam. To project a 3D life-like hologram, you would in fact require a rather complex interaction of three beams in one. This would probably be sensible to do according to the RGB system. The projection screen can react differently to each wavelength, that’s not the issue. There are multi-laser engines available on the market that can do this without problem.
The problem that I see is that the BLUE beam (ironically) is the one that is currently almost impossible to project with the needed power to project an alien mothership into a cloud in broad day-light. Green lasers, red lasers, yellow lasers no problem. Blue, however, is.
However, it must also be said that semiconductor research and photonics research is developing so rapidly that this problem may soon be a thing of the past.
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