Original reports early this morning detailed how Georgian forces had killed 10 Russian peacekeepers and wounded 30 others, which was the provocation for Russian forces to begin military operations, but the fact that Georgian forces were responsible for starting the conflagration has been completely buried in subsequent media coverage.
“Georgia and the Pentagon cooperate closely,” reports MSNBC, “Georgia has a 2,000-strong contingent supporting the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, and Washington provides training and equipment to the Georgian military.”
The latest exercise, Immediate Response 2008, which took place last month, involved no less than one thousand U.S. troops working with Georgian troops in a war game scenario.
Moreover, the very “Rose Revolution” that brought the Harvard trained pro-US Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvilli to power in 2003 was wholly aided and abetted by the Central Intelligence Agency.
russia's 'full scale invasion' of georgia
from danger room: "Russia has launched a full scale military invasion," Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said today in Tbilisi, Georgia's capital. Saakashvili is planning to withdraw Georgia's entire 2,000-men contingent from Iraq within three days to help repel the Russians, even as Saakashvili calls for "an immediate ceasefire" in a conflict that Russian officials claim has killed 2,000 and left 30,000 homeless.
The Russian defense ministry tells the New York Times that "100 planeloads of airborne troops" will be flown into the conflict zone - on top of the 2,500 troops already estimated to be in the country.
georgia, south ossetia: roots of a 100-year conflict
evidence of US military presence in georgia
10 video reports on conflict in georgia
did US & israel provocateur south ossetia conflict? does the sun come up in the morning?

In order to find out what’s really going on in Georgia, you have to read the international press on the internet. Bush, McCain, and Obama may cast blame on Russia, but reading the international press you get a different perspective.
“Russian officials believe that it was the USA that orchestrated the current conflict. The chairman of the State Duma Committee for Security, Vladimir Vasilyev, believes that the current conflict is South Ossetia is very reminiscent to the wars in Iraq and Kosovo,” reports Pravda, the Russian newspaper...
Let’s not forget America’s junior partner in chaos and mass murder, Israel. “In addition to the spy drones, Israel has also been supplying Georgia with infantry weapons and electronics for artillery systems, and has helped upgrade Soviet-designed Su-25 ground attack jets assembled in Georgia, according to Koba Liklikadze, an independent military expert based in Tbilisi. Former Israeli generals also serve as advisers to the Georgian military,” reports the International Herald Tribune.
No wonder the horrific photos emerging from South Ossetia have that Lebanon invasion look about them. Israel has over fifty years of experience in invading small countries and has consistently specialized in murdering and tormenting civilians.
putin issues ultimatum; georgia stands alone*
neocons call for US to launch war with russia*
civilian genocide, dead americans cost of US/russia proxy war*
israeli has $1b invested in georgia*
video: georgians in los angeles rally for peace*
russia announces war halt; fighting continues*
georgia declares cease-fire in breakaway province*
it is largely about oil pipelines*
ossetians say west is behind conflict*
russians occupy city, break ceasefire*
using georgia to target russia*
video: russian cameraman says cnn aired misleading footage*
media war against russia*
re-chilling the cold war: putin & pro-georgian propaganda*
russia/georgia conflict offers glimpse at new world order*
video: georgian president saakashvili calls for a new world order*
video: col. sam gardiner: “if US attacks russia, russia will use nuclear weapons”*
troops from atlanta will train in republic of georgia*
video: US is behind the georgia/russian war*
1 comment:
Did you really just quote Pravda?!!!!
Putin is a mass murderer. Russian/ Peacekeeper????!!!!
You are out of your mind.
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