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Story #1: Drones Assist In Corralling North Dakota Cattle Rustlers
Related: Iran Captures CIA Drone
Video: Obama Appeals to Iran to Give Back Downed Drone
Update: Cyberwar on US Drones? Another Spy Craft Crash, Now In Seychelles
Story #2: Canada to Withdraw from Kyoto Protocol
Update: Canada, Out of Kyoto, Must Still Cut Emissions Says UN
Related: Interview w/ Donna Laframboise of NoFrakkingConsensus.com
Story #3: Survey Says Teen Smoking & Drinking at Historic Lows, Marijuana Use High
Related: Dutch Police Complain It's Their Right to Smoke Cannabis While Off-Duty

previous: penn state, fema cramps, newt stamps
1 comment:
Hey Guys,
A couple of thoughts while watching your latest.
1. The "cattle rustlers" were apparently just a family who had been at odds with the local police force for years. In this instance some cattle had wandered onto their land. Check this interview with Will Grigg for the details http://antiwar.com/radio/2011/12/14/will-grigg-29/
2. Hokkaido was formerly the hemp farming centre of Japan. Descendants of the cultivated hemp grows wild there, and there have been some efforts to restart the hemp industry. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F10C14FE3A5F1A738DDDAA0894DA415B8385F0D3
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