on the record: jim plowman addresses murder in lansdowne
from loudoun independent: In an exclusive video interview with Jim Plowman, the Loudoun Independent asks the Commonwealth’s Attorney about the tragic murder of William Bennett and the brutal beating of his wife, Cynthia last Sunday morning [mar22] in the Lansdowne area. A rattled community is left with more questions than answers.
cynthia bennett talking to detectives
from myfoxdc: Loudoun County Sheriff Steve Simpson says one of the victims of a mysterious attack that took place last month in a Lansdowne neighborhood has regained consciousness and spoken to detectives on several occasions about the incident, which left her husband dead... The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office says they're currently seeking four to five people who were involved in the attack and murder. They say all of those people have knowledge of the attack, though they have different degrees of involvement in the incident.

cia & fbi investigating couple's attack*
sheriff: couple's attack may be random*
neighbors want answers in virginia murder*
murder, attack has neighbors worried*
motive of attack still unclear*
and again, back to the beginning: the death of william bennett: cia, contract killers, kosovo & questions
update: the murder of william bennett, part3: arresting developments
The Background to the Murder of Former CIA Boss Bill Bennett as Posted on http://cid-126ff386f6322548.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!126FF386F6322548!562.entry
"Dear A-3,
Today, April 20, 2009, is the Serbian Easter. And I have a journalistic gift for you.
On March 22 last in the U.S., Bill Bennett was murdered.
Bill was one of the CIA men, who in the eighties was given documents about terrorist plans to attack vital targets in the U.S.: Twin Towers in New York, the Senate, the White House, the Pentagon in Washington, a nuclear power plant in the U.S. etc...
Bill was killed when he and his wife Cindy were walking by a number of masked men with sticks which they used to beat him to death...
It is unofficially known that Bill was responsible for the attack by "mistake" by U.S. aircrafts on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. Through this "failure", 20 other CIA people were fired from the CIA in 2000.
Bill was directly involved in that bombing by giving the U.S. Air Force the plans to bomb that target and then maintaining that the wrong target was bombed ...
Fiddlesticks of course. Bill gave his top spy in Belgrade with the code name "Tsar" (now also murdered) a miniature transmitter to plant in a military complex in New Belgrade. "Tsar" was a KGB / CIA double agent with good connections as well to the IDB [Dutch Foreign Intelligence] in The Hague. "Tsar" deliberately placed that miniature transmitter not in the military complex, as was meant, but in the Chinese Embassy ... This discredited the U.S. and only at the last minute it could be prevented that through this failure the conflict was widened ...
Anyway, Bennett was liquidated, because according to the perpetrators evidence concerning the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers must at all costs be suppressed...
I hope you can undertake further investigative journalism for TROUW [Dutch national Christian newspaper in Amsterdam, founded by the resistance during WWII], or are your hands and feet tied there?
It is not an everyday news item that a CIA head was killed in the U.S. and on top of that such an important person ...
Whose turn is it now...
Except Bill Bennett also former President Bush ... Bill Webster (former FBI director, who later became CIA director) knew exactly when and by whom the terrorist attack on U.S. targets with aircraft were going to be carried out...
Slobodan Slobodan"
Note: Dr. Slobodan Mitric is a former associate of Bill Bennet and writer of among other books Operation Twins (see ww.willehalm.nl).
P.S. In the above note on Dr. Mitric,the URL of the site where his book "Operation Twins" part I and a pre-publication of part II can be previewed is incomplete. It should be www.willehalm.nl/. Part I of "Operation Twins" documents in the appendices that the information which, among others, CIA man Bill Bennett received could only have been sent to him by the author Slobodan Mitric well in advance of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001! Mitric wrote this book as a scenario in the early eighties at the request of influential American politicians, such as senator Dole, and militairy leaders, such as General Raymond Healy, former CIA director for Europe and Asia. On the basis of this work, Mitric received an honorary doctorate of law from an Arizona Police College. It was scheduled to be made into a full lenght feature film with the blessings of then Preident Reagan, but the trilogy was confiscated by the CIA and the film project abandoned. Part II of "Operation Twins" contains only an excerpt, while part III has not been published yet. Appeals for funds to do the latter found only deaf ears, which is most unfortunate, because it could contribute a great deal to preventing the outbreak of a nuclear World War III, just as part I and II with the forwarnings of 9/11 could well have prevented this disaster from happening.
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