Saturday, August 16, 2008

biowar vaccine, plum island biolabs & enemy mind control

pentagon’s alarming project: avian flu biowar vaccine
pentagon’s alarming project: avian flu biowar vaccinefrom william engdhal: There is reason to believe that sections of the international pharmaceutical industry cartel are acting in concert with the US Government to develop a genetically modified H5N1 virus substance that could unleash a man-made pandemic, perhaps more deadly than the 1918 ‘Spanish Influenza’ pandemic claiming up to 30 million lives... The genome of the 1918 pandemic, the so-called "Spanish Flu", was recently intentionally resurrected by the United States government from a frozen corpse that died of the flu in 1918 in Alaska. Because of that resurrection, both the Avian Flu, and its "vaccine" are now a significant threat to public health.

blumenthal opposes upgrading plum island biolab facility
blumenthal opposes upgrading plum island biolab facilityfrom courant: Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is opposing any plan to locate a new lab that would study some of the world's deadliest biological threats on Plum Island, 8 miles off the Connecticut coast. Five mainland locations are on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security list to house the proposed National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. Expanding the existing Plum Island Animal Disease Center to meet the needs of the new facility is still a possibility, despite an Associated Press report that a site in Mississippi is at the top of the government's list. A site is expected to be chosen by the end of the year.

defense spooks: let's control enemy minds
defense spooks: let's control enemy mindsfrom danger room: Forget performance-enhancing drugs for soldiers, the next frontier is performance-degrading drugs for our enemies. Rick Weiss at the Science Progress blog has just written a nice post about a just-released 150-page report from the National Research Council and the Defense Intelligence Agency that argues that the military needs to do a better job keeping up with neuroscience: in part so it can learn how to make our enemies stupider… As cognitive neuroscience and related technologies become more pervasive, using technology for nefarious purposes becomes easier.”

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