Wednesday, May 14, 2008

palestine celebrates 60 years of exiled abuse

palestine celebrates 60 years of exiled abusefrom afp: Hundreds of Palestinian refugees headed to Lebanon's southern border with Israel on Wednesday marking 60 years since the creation of the Jewish state and exile from what was once Palestine. "We want to return to our country. We desperately miss our country's soil," said Mahmud Mahmud, aged in his 70s, who was wearing a traditional Palestinian headdress. "We came to this area in a peaceful march against the occupation on this occasion."

bush celebrates & says goodbye
bush celebrates & says goodbyefrom los angeles times: President Bush arrived in Israel today to help celebrate the Jewish State's 60th anniversary and possibly help nudge along the (so far lackluster) Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations he launched last fall. With Bush's time in office winding down, Israeli observers sound genuinely nostalgic to see him go, and some are already fretting about Israel's future with someone else in the White House. An editorial in the Jerusalem Post this week declared: "Of all the US presidents over the past 60 years, it is hard to think of a better friend to Israel than George W. Bush."

related: all the president's nazis (real and imagined): an open letter to bush by larisa alexandrovna

israel’s 60 years of nuclear proliferation
israel’s 60 years of nuclear proliferationfrom jerry mazza: I have not written this article to condemn Israel on its 60th anniversary as a quasi-legal state, quasi to question the UN’s legitimacy to create it, and quasi for Israel’s subsequent actions to ingest and destroy the Palestinians. My aim is to point out Israel’s own hypocrisy regarding Iran’s possible possession of nuclear capability not just for peacetime power. Beyond the Cold War, it is Israel that has historically been edging us into a worldwide nuclear conflagration; and doing so since 2001 with the hegemonic boobs presently running the USA and supporting Israel’s misguided efforts with billions of dollars of aid for arms in the hope that it will keep the Arab world intimidated and give us its oil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mazza had it wrong three years ago. If Israel has nuclear weapons, it is for defensive purposes only. It will never use the weapons as long as it is not faced with annihilation, a condition it has had to contemplate for the last 63 years. The threats are there constantly. Remember that if the demonization of Israel and Jews in general does not decrease, the nuclear insurance policy will be cashed and those threatening and demonizing Israel will find themselves closer to their own demise because once you drop the first nuclear bomb a domino effect will occur and more devices will start to explode. There will never be another Jewish Holocaust. Get used to it.

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