neo-con calls for shredding constitution & world govt
from paul joseph watson:
A recent Austin-American Statesman review of Neo-Con Philip Bobbitt's new book Terror and Consent features an image of a shredded Constitution under the words "Everything must go," which acts as a suitable entrée to a disgusting diatribe which praises Bobbitt's call for the end of America and its replacement with a de facto world government in the name of fighting terror...
So what exactly is Bobbitt's solution?
The complete obliteration of sovereignty and the nation state and its replacement with a new "order that takes its structural cues from multinational corporations and nongovernmental organizations" that will have the power to pursue "more aggressive tactics of preclusionary warfare," meaning more pre-emptive invasions of broken-backed third world countries to expand the creaking pax-Americana empire.
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