Tuesday, September 18, 2007

student tasered at kerry speech

from raw story: Police Tasered and arrested a University of Florida student Monday when he engaged in "combative diatribe" following a question of Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) at a student forum about why he didn't contest the 2004 presidential election or impeach President George W. Bush.

According to the Gainseville Sun, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications student Andrew Meyer "approached an open microphone at the University Auditorium and demanded Kerry answer his questions. The student claimed that University Police Department officers had already threatened to arrest him, and then proceeded to question Kerry about why he didn't contest the 2004 presidential election and why there had been no moves to impeach President Bush."

"A minute or so into what became a combative diatribe, Meyer's microphone was turned off and officers began trying to physically remove him from the auditorium," the Sun said. "Meyer flailed his arms, yelling as police tried to restrain him."

Six officers then pushed him to the ground. He yelled, "What have I done? What I have I done? Get away from me. Get off of me! What did I do? ... Help me! Help."

Officers then threatened to use a Taser on Meyer if he did not comply; he resisted being handcuffed and was then "Tased," "which prompted him to scream and writhe in pain on the floor of the auditorium," according to the Sun.

An internal investigation into the incident was launched this morning, according to NBC News...


Anonymous said...

This video is a tip-of-the-iceberg snapshot of the cancerous legacy of the Cheney/Bush regime.

Watching nearly every single person in that hall sit there like sheep listening to the guy's screams and cries for help made me think, "What would I have done if I'd been sitting in that hall?"

What would you have done?

Vigilante said...

I don't think a Q & A situation usually permits speechifying. (Other clips of this event show that Andrew Meyer was at the mic for a considerable time.) By taking more time at the mic than his share, this jerk was denying others of their right to ask questions within a reasonably-alloted time. This jerk also resisted arrest as he was being escorted out of the room while disturbing the peace. This jerk was obviously looking for trouble and he found it. If he could only had mastered the skill of artfully asking a question or two, he could have relinquished the mic and waited for his answer, he could have embarrassed Kerry, and there would have been no problem.

Anonymous said...

stop it jim!! youre scaring me!!

Anonymous said...

Well that is beyond disturbing!!

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