But especially the government.

Of course, The Simpsons Movie is farfetched and nonsensical. But it’s also brilliantly crystalline in its illustration of the very essence of government – how it does exactly the wrong things, for the wrong reasons (like their own enrichment and expansion), while selling it to the public under the auspices of acting in their interests.

* When EPA Chief Cargill – a business wizard who was appointed to bring his PR savvy to the largely invisible agency – presents President Schwarzenegger with dossiers outlining five options for dealing with the environmental crisis in Springfield, he chooses one at random, offering the heavily-accented justification "I was elected to lead, not to read."
* Later in the movie, the same scenario plays out in the Oval Office after the containment dome plan begins to show weaknesses that could backfire, hurting the EPA’s image. Villain Cargill again presents the President with five options – but hints and prods and coaches him until he picks Option 4, which calls for the nuclear annihilation of Springfield. At other points in the film, we discover that Cargill’s conglomerate had a hand in making not only the bomb, but also the dome that originally sealed off the town...
* In an attempt to win public support for the creation of a "new Grand Canyon" where Springfield used to be, the Feds enlist the aid of über-popular Tom Hanks to appear in a public service announcement, in which he says: "Hello, I'm Tom Hanks. The U.S. Government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine…" And later, "Because if you have to trust a government, why not this one?"
* When Cargill calls in the troops to protect Springfield from Homer’s attempt to rescue both his family (whom the EPA has taken prisoner) and the town, one of his minions calls him on the carpet – accusing the bureaucrat of having let power go to his head. Cargill answers: "Of course I've gone mad with power! Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring and no one listens to you!"

These are just a few from many of the comedic barbs The Simpsons Movie hurls at our government. And it would take multiple essays to catalog even the most obvious shots the film takes at the media, popular culture and big business. If you see the film (and you should), keep an eye out for Bart’s almost under-the-radar swipe at Disney. It’s priceless!
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