Wednesday, June 25, 2008

news on the march

senator mike gravel supports nyc 9/11 ballot initiative*
video: former US senator mike gravel endorses nyc 9/11 ballot initiative*
5th, 6th & 7th alleged hijhacking attempts on 9/11 & 9/13,
what happened to the suspects?
video: talk show host michael reagan wants to kill 9/11 truthers*
video: david ray griffin & new evidence about 9/11*
1st responders from 9/11 gather for day of remembrance*
9/11 chronicle continues...*
un expert's support of 9/11 conspiracy theorists*
critics demand resignation of un official who wants 9/11 probe*
neocon calls for un '9/11 conspiracy theorist' to resign*
lawmaker takes 9/11 doubts global*
cindy mccain hiding war profits, untaxed accounts & pre-9/11 insider trading?*
govt says fbi agents can't testify about 9/11*
9/11 prediction revealed at lindauer competency hearing in nyc*
montreal 9/11 truth to city hall: if there's an attack we won't believe you*
fan mail from an unindicted 9/11 co-conspirator*
pentagon's 9/11 memorial puzzle*

video: immortal technique on al-jazeera*
fake airline ads: pay per pound*
video: why you should never talk to cops*
wonder woman finds corpse on potomac river*
drilling down: radio's popularity declining unevenly*
disc-sniffing dog 'manny' dies, cause under investigation*
portland retailers giving vinyl records another spin*
stone's w film must strike balance*
spielberg to direct lockerbie bombing movie*
wikipedia updater fired for scooping nbc on russert's death**
'my first cavity search'*
video: shattered union*
video: speak & spell the new world order*
video: bill hicks on what is the point to life?*

uss liberty & US/israeli covert cooperation*
1967 attack shows how US goes too easy on israel*
new revelations in 1967 israeli attack on american spy ship*
canada apologises for abuse of aboriginal children*
veterans press for info on 1960s chemical tests*
3rd reich to fortune 500: 5 popular brands the nazis gave us*
bbc whitewash: plots, paranoia & blame*
video: rare 1974 interview with carroll quigley*

davis resignation: unlikely hero of liberal britain shocks establishment*
ireland set to vote on eu dictatorship*
irish say no to military & neo-liberalism*
80% of british law made by european union*
brown wins crunch vote on 42 days detention*
pakistan fury at deadly US strike*
nuke smuggler peddled missile-ready bomb designs*
gingrich: scotus decision 'could cost us a city'*
law school dean calls conference to plan bush war crimes prosecution*
scotus to rule on whether ashcroft can be sued*
report: US gave green light for taliban prison attack*
paki nuke secret spill psyop*
general accuses white house of war crimes*
state of emergency: the US in the final 6 months of the bush administration*
israel holds drill, prepares to attack iran*
US says exercise by israel seemed directed at iran*
US: israeli military carried out iran practice drill*
ex-state dept. official: 100s of detainees died in US custody, at least 25 murdered*
bush army in brzezinski's afghan trap*
south american union will also have common currency*

US nabs record amounts of coke*
border patrol agent charged with drug counts*
pot more potent than ever*
legal drugs kill far more than illegal, florida says*
massive dea raids planned for humboldt*

more privileges sought for john hinkley*
new documentary suggests second rfk shooter*
winter patriot: rip rfk*
new york times slags documentary suggesting second rfk shooter*
rfk: a legacy of peace through strength*
jfk assassination documentary analyzes conspiracy theories*
james w douglass & the risk of carrying jfk's vision forward*
audio: kboo interview w/ james w douglass of 'jfk & the unspeakable'*
the 2 sides of vincent bugliosi*

forced vaccinations part of dark eugenics agenda*
small town overthrows corporate giant for control of water*
speculation of nuke causing china earthquake*
nasa provides 'explanation' of china earthquake*
mercury in 'green' light bulbs*
poll: most britons doubt cause of climate change*
phoenix lander confirms ice present on mars*
navy vs dolphins: scotus to hear battle over sonar*
new report on bio-war lab danger*

air force chief, secretary 'resign'*
gates sacks top air force leadership*
bosses nuked, some air force missileers cheer*
nuclear fallout at the air force*
10 more reasons for the air force purge*
israeli surveillance society inspires face-scanning billboards*
nearly 20% of army in afghanistan is on prozac*
video: b2 stealth bomber crashes*
northrop to develop mind-reading binoculars*
how to: visit a secret nuclear bunker*
gitmo interrogators told to destroy handwritten notes*
in debate over permanent bases in iraq, US seeks authorization for war in iran*
george w bush has gotten away with murder'*
bbc uncovers lost iraq billions*
washington post's enduring bush coverup*
in wake of scotus, bush should just put up or shut up!*
US reservist refuses to go to iraq*
canada beefs up kandahar presence after prison break*
wikileaks gets hold of counterinsurgency manual*

police state usa
dc setting up neighborhood checkpoints, warrantless, door-to-door searches*
dc cops to lock down parts of city, demand id from citizens*
washington post covers police state actions in dc*
dc puts itself under surveillance*
dc 'mass evacuation drill' & dnc terror prep*
army reserve teams with dc police to boost employment*
nypd helicopter views faces from miles a way*
nypd spybird flying high*
nyc police adding stun guns to officers belts*
nypd urged to reconsider on stun guns*
taser suffers a rare loss in court*
first jury zaps taser $6m for wrongful death*
1/3 of people shot by taser need medical help*
police teams drill for crowd control*
marine drills will include hollywood-like effects*
wisconsin national guard & police storm high school in wmd exercise*
fbi & dhs behind martial law exercises in indianapolis*
indy star thinks martial law training is good*
nevada terror drills: governor gibbons & vigilant guard*
los angeles losing money on red light cams*
7,000 sites deemed chemical terror targets*
bush pushes biometrics for national security*
7 people arrested for cheering at graduation
cops, guns & the lost idea of river protection*
antonin scalia & police-state rule*
US school district to begin microchipping students*
school says death hoax was necessary*
a special thank you to george w bush*
inside a nwo control grid tradeshow*
spying on americans: dems ready to gut the constitution*
dems agree to expand domestic spying, grant telecoms amnesty*
both sides await scotus ruling on right to bear arms*
ex-pentagon lawyer says he researched 'real manchurian candidate stuff'*

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