Sunday, June 22, 2008

government sued over seizure of liberty dollars

government sued over seizure of liberty dollarsfrom new york sun: The federal government's attempt to stop a group of gold-standard activists from minting an alternative to the greenback is about to face its first legal test.

A dozen people around the country filed suit in U.S. District Court in Idaho this week demanding the return of all the copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins - more than seven tons of metal in all - that the FBI and Secret Service seized in November during raids of a mint in Idaho and a strip mall storefront in Indiana.

More than 50,000 of the coins seized last year bear the likeness of Rep. Ron Paul, whose monetary policies Mr. Von NotHaus supports.

"About a quarter of a million people holding liberty dollars are almost up-in arms - not up in arms yet, but almost - about having their property seized, and rightly so," Mr. Von NotHaus told The New York Sun yesterday.

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