Sunday, June 10, 2007

the gentlemen's club for the rich & famous

the gentlemen's club for the rich & famousfrom daily mail: The Bohemian Grove Club holds an annual summer camp at which members, who include Henry Kissinger, former President George Bush Senior, Clint Eastwood and Bob Weir, founder member of Sixties rock band the Grateful Dead, debate world politics, perform weird mock Druid ceremonies...

Next month's dinner will be preceded by traditional club rituals, which include an arcane Druid rite, the Cremation of Care, in which torch-wielding men in crimson robes burn an effigy representing the cares of the world and high-living that they leave behind for 17 days...

The Bohemian Grove Club has been called the world's most exclusive old boys' club.

the gentlemen's club for the rich & famousTony Blair, John Major and Prince Philip have reputedly been guests at the California estate where its 2,300 luminaries meet twice a year for a long weekend in May and 17 days in July under a veil of secrecy...

With a combined worth estimated at £50billion, they say their goal is to "draw inspiration from nature" while they hammer out new solutions to world problems.

Visitors have reported, however, that their rituals include getting "howling drunk", dressing up as women and burning an effigy called "Care" under a giant statue of an owl. Peter Phillips, a sociology professor who has been a guest at the club, insists: "It's all very tongue-in-cheek."
(ed: but in this article from four years ago, he called it 'patriarchy, racism and class privilege.' i guess ol' pete had a change of heart...) Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger delivers a breakfast lecture every July on topics that have included the Iraq War.

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