Monday, July 24, 2006

fed blocks 4.5 trillion due U.S. treasury

from arctic beacon: The corrupt Federal Reserve Board is now standing in the way of 4.5 trillion in repatriated offshore funds earmarked for the U.S. Treasury in what is now being called in worldwide financial circles as the Wanta Plan.

An agreement was reached June 12 between U.S. authorities and Wanta, the legal trustor of more than 27.5 trillion in lost or stolen U.S . assets from the Cold War era, to return 4.5 trillion of the looted money by the Bush and Clinton crime families, less money for taxes and other related expenses.

However, the Arctic Beacon, one of the only news outlets in the country covering the hush-hush story, has learned the Federal Reserve Board has acknowledged the Wanta settlement and is now without sufficient public justification, blocking the return of the money which could turn the bewildered American economy around overnight.

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