Thursday, January 21, 2010

haitian situation: disaster globalism & humanitarian txt

the militarization of emergency aid to haiti:
is it a humanitarian operation or an invasion?

from michel chossudovsky: Haiti has a longstanding history of US military intervention and occupation going back to the beginning of the 20th Century. US interventionism has contributed to the destruction of Haiti's national economy and the impoverishment of its population. The devastating earthquake is presented to World public opinion as the sole cause of the country's predicament. A country has been destroyed, its infrastructure demolished. Its people precipitated into abysmal poverty and despair. Haiti's history, its colonial past have been erased. The US military has come to the rescue of an impoverished Nation. What is its Mandate? Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?

The main actors in America's "humanitarian operation" are the Department of Defense, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). (See USAID Speeches: On-The-Record Briefing on the Situation in Haiti, 01/13/10). USAID has also been entrusted in channelling food aid to Haiti, which is distributed by the World Food Program. (See USAID Press Release: USAID to Provide Emergency Food Aid for Haiti Earthquake Victims, January 13, 2010)

The military component of the US mission, however, tends to overshadow the civilian functions of rescuing a desperate and impoverished population. The overall humanitarian operation is not being led by civilian governmental agencies such as FEMA or USAID, but by the Pentagon. The dominant decision making role has been entrusted to US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM).

marines embark for haiti*
as many as 10,000 US troops to be in haiti*
US deploying 10,000 troops to haiti*

disgusting war criminals peddle 'humanitarian' aid for haiti
disgusting war criminals peddle 'humanitarian' aid for haitifrom kurt nimmo: On Sunday, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush mounted the corporate media propaganda platform and complained about the politicization of the Haitian relief effort... The disaster “reminds us of our common humanity. It reminds us of needs that go beyond fleeting disagreements,” said Clinton. Fine words coming from one of the world’s foremost war criminals... If you really want to know what’s going on in Haiti, read John Maxwell’s article, No, Mister! You Cannot Share My Pain! The corporate media sheds crocodile tears over Haiti (between bank and big pharma adverts) and tells us about the country’s immeasurable poverty while providing zero background on why Haiti is a hell-hole of misery and destitution.

obama, bush & clinton launch haiti aid appeal*
video: bush warns us to watch out for 'shysters'*
as president, bush occasionally phoned clinton*
video: clinton & bush are 'practically family'*

to save haiti, fire gen. 'brownie' keen, start air drops, cancel the debt & kick out the imf*
US general: 200,000 dead haitians just a 'start point'*
canada & haiti: relief efforts in the shadow of past 'help'*
how to really help haiti*
video: cnn: united nations told doctors to let haitians die*
wyclef defends his foundation, but admits mistakes were made in the past*
haiti under US emergency rule*
haitian minister: 70,000 bodies already recovered*
video: christian leader says 'satan has had absolutely free reign' in haiti*
bush overthrew the elected leader of haiti; now he's expected to help?*
france criticizes US 'occupation' of haiti*
disaster relief 2.0: tech tools help focus haiti resources*
oregon-based cia contractor now flying spy drone over haiti*
US military's 'security' not helping haitians*
'southcom decided to go live with the system':
defense launches online system to coordinate haiti relief efforts

activist: watch out for idf stealing organs in haiti *
US security company offers to perform 'high threat terminations' & confront 'worker unrest' in haiti*
US ships blockade coast to thwart exodus to america*
US to send 4,000 extra troops to haiti*
marine unit headed for afghanistan now rerouted to haiti*

1/22 updates:
royal navy flotilla withdrawn to cut costs, weeks before haiti disaster; 1st gap in cover in caribbean since 17th century*
a haiti disaster relief scenario was envisaged by the US military 1 day before earthquake*
why is the US military occupying 4 airports in haiti?*
military outsources rescue ops & secret tagging tech*
'coming out of crisis': new study shows post-katrina health clinics more efficient than general US health care*
video: chavez says US weapon test caused haiti earthquake*

1 comment:

Dave said...

I find it interesting that just this past weekend I noticed that the USGS came out with a study saying that Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves in the world (maybe THE largest, I would have to go back to check). Look at a map and see where Haiti is in relation to Venezuela (and perhaps more importantly Cuba). Now, I don't believe that USA, Inc. caused the earthquakes (I certainly would not put it past them) but they cetainly are seizing on the opportunity to mobilize a massive militray presence in Haiti. Never let a crisis go to waste? See as Cuba and Venezuela are allies (more or less), this placement of troops effectively divides them. Just a thought but I think I am beginning to think like these scumbags and that scares me a little!

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