Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/12 newspurge: running out of time on a decade

9/11 updates:
carlyle, kissinger, saic & halliburton: a 9/11 convergence*
where's bin laden? gates says no intel in 'years'*
adviser: obama plans to launch osama hunt anew*
years of deceit: US openly accepts osama long dead*
obama lied: taliban did not refuse to hand over osama*
'conspiracy theory with jesse ventura' delivers 1.6m viewers, tru tv's biggest debut*
ventura's conspiracy theory: 9/11 episode exposes 'found' black boxes*
ventura's show probes 9/11 mysteries*
2 groups of 'hijackers' arrested on 9/13*
flashback: '96 movie features planned suicide attack with commercial jet*
former 9/11 hero convicted for asbestos fraud*
dr david ray griffin: official lies about 9/11 exposed*
related: madrid's 3/11 bombings - was it really an attack by 'islamic terrorists'?*

dhs stages drill testing 'harmless' gas in boston subway*
french army to be used in swine flu vaccine centre*
hhs would become federal giant under senate plan*
dupont sued for covering up 25yrs of polluting ohio river*
bpa found in 90% of newborns*
number of prescriptions written in uk for antidepressants nearly equals entire population*
bhopal: 25 years of poison*
video: fox anchor suggests abortions would help control low-income population*
'eternal sunshine': scientists find way to block fearful memories*
who ‘swine flu pope' under the microscope*
govts turn to cloud seeding to fight drought*
russia reigns over its weather*
elementary school shut by plastics factory pollution seeks damages*
obama to release US strategy for handling biological weapon threats*
sen. landrieu won't say where constitution lets congress force US to buy health insurance*
strong reaction follows editorial calling for global one-child dictatorship*

support for legalizing marijuana gaining ground rapidly*
la mayor, villaraigosa urges limit on medical marijuana dispensaries*
video: mother says pot saved her son's life*
volunteers for drug trials hard to find*
customs finds surprising cargo in chinese shipment*
cia efforts to control world distribution of 'illicit' drugs*

recent world events indicate impending market chaos*
high-stakes duel between paul & bernanke intensifies*
bernanke: reforms could weaken fed*
6 more US banks fail*
give churches a choice: give up tax exempt status or give up lobbying*
irs has filed $79k lien against gov. schwarzenegger, records show*
gm's fritz henderson steps down as ceo*
mark pittman, reporter who foresaw subprime crisis, dies at 52*
food stamp stigma fading fast*
arming goldman with pistols against public: alice schroeder*
940 ex-govt officials now lobby for finance industry*
US already $292b in the red this year*
geithner extends $700b bank-bailout program*
american indian land sold off by irs to pay off taxes*
brussels gives cia the power to search uk bank records*
the economy is wonderful - if you’re the saudi royal family*
'wall st reform & consumer protection act' passes house*
dems plan nearly $2t debt limit hike*

uganda considers death for gay sex in bill before parliament*
railway blast in russia's dagestan: officials*
10 deaths reported as russia express train derails*
suspected nazi camp guard goes on trial in germany*
guinea's president wounded in assassination attempt*
1000s rally against berlusconi in rome*
video: watch the romanian president slap a 10yr-old boy*
president of serbia fined for drinking champagne*
state dept says cuba has detained US citizen*

jfk's doctor, malcolm perry, dies - said shot came from the front*
jfk assassination & false flag attacks: how 'patsies' are framed*
6 top doctors demand inquest into murder of dr. david kelly*
25yrs after chemical disaster anguish lingers in bhopal*

vinyl albums & turntables are gaining sales*
fewer americans going to movies & museums*
cia infilitration of pacifica radio: ian masters & vincent cannistraro*
alex constantine: 'nearly done for a year'*
video: megadeth's dave mustaine talks nwo & endgame*

obama admin workshop on openness closed to the public*
obama using blackwater/xe for assassinations in pakistan*
obama to host first state dinner in huge tent*
flashback: obama says 'bringing troops home is the first thing i will do'*
obama quietly backs patriot act provisions*
obama expects support for afghanisurge*
couple slips though security to crash state dinner*
video: does palin believe jews flocking to israel before rapture?*
obama to travel to copenhagen climate summit*
publicity-hungry socialites reportedly crashed state dinner*
video: secret service investigating state dinner party crashers*
politicians share personality traits with serial killers: study*
log cabin repug floats 'cheney 2012' campaign*
obama book ghostwritten by bill ayers?*
politics or sedition? rush limbaugh calls for military coup*
obama jokes about terminator-style war with robots*
reality tv crew filmed state dinner crashers at the white house*
obama refuses to sign landmine treaty*
ralph nader may run for US senate in connecticut*
obama nation: ‘free thinkers’*
following bush-era argument, obama attorneys push to weaken search protections*
obama: manchurian candidate v2.0*
dems in revolt over obama’s troop surge*
struggles at home leave obama hamstrung at copenhagen*
video: gop lawmaker says obama most threatened president ever*
more openness & transparency:
obama regime prevents millions of pages of military & intel docs from being declassified
white house security under review before state dinner was crashed*
tea party co-founder laments hijacking of movement*
aclu: obama's reversal on patriot act reform 'a major travesty'*
michael moore: 'mr. obama, you do not know war'*
40% of dems say they 'probably won’t vote' next year*
obama establishes new presidential bioethics council, could push cloning*
chelsea clinton to wed goldman bankster next summer*
kucinich: the war is a threat to our national security*
the audacity of ethnic cleansing: obama's plan for afghanistan*
obama, live on jobs*
the shame & folly of obama's escalation of war in afghanistan*
video: alan grayson tells dick cheney to 'stfu!'*
video: toby 'boot in your ass' keith performed at obama 'peace' concert*
corruption behind the 2009 nobel peace prize*
can nobel obama at least stop the torture?*
ron paul: warmonger obama should've returned nobel award*
norwegians rally for ron paul, oppose obama's nobel*
video: taibbi previews new article on obama & the sellout to wall street*
obama's big sellout*
poll: 44%, nearly half of americans want bush back*
court vindicates grayson’s argument: acorn funding ban unconstitutional*

police state int'l:
US govt taking newborn dna samples*
uk police arresting innocents just to grab genetic details for big brother database*
private school students learn about martial law*
looking for reason not to use tasers? here's 400 of them*
another extremist conspiracy theory? the elite's own statements*
some US holiday terror?*
sears tower bomb plot leader narseal batiste jailed*
prison factories: slave labor for the new world order?*
court kills 'round-the-clock' surveillance case*
uk police blow up sports car*
uk jails schizophrenic for refusal to decrypt files*
video: amy goodman felt 'violated' by canadian border officials*
russian interior minister tells citizens to fight back against police brutality*
invasive biometric passports issued*
fbi viewed intel provided by hal turner as 'irreplaceable'*
dhs to miss 2012 deadline to scan containers for radiation*
even guns made of legos can look real*
even pravda sys: wake up, america!*
irs auctions off 7,100 acres of sioux land in south dakota*
22 stories underground: iron mountain's experimental room 48*
brazil police 'kill 11,000 in 6yrs'*
video: eu pres admits one-world govt is here*
rand blueprint for militarized 'stability police force'*
greg everson warns US forces plan direct-action against US citizens*
video: youth corp police cadets exposed in florida*
is obama really preparing for civil war?*
video: cop who tased girlfriend's face might not do time*
prisoner at center of 'kopbusters' campaign may soon be freed*
criminal background checks proposed for uk homeschoolers*

US military suicides reach new high*
prison in illinois likely to house guantanamo detainees*
1 in 3 female soldiers are raped or sexually assaulted by fellow servicemen*
sen levin perpetuates lies about afghanistan invasion*
france, germany refuse to commit more troops for afghanistan*
afghanistan 3.0: like it or not, it’s nation-building*
'shadow pentagon' chief questions new afghan strategy*
uk launches its own shaky ‘surge’ into afghanistan*
how do conspiracy nuts see obama’s plan for afghanistan?*
ron paul: obama preparing for perpetual war*
video: michael moore afghanisurge 'insane'*
video: mccain says karzai may be ‘assassinated' if US withdraws*
US public wants out of afghanistan; nytimes & washpost want in*
US liberals express anger over obama's decision to raise troop levels*
skeptical dems resign themselves to obama war plan*
video: obama afghanistan speech is channelling bush*
the other afghanistan surge: contractors*
clinton, gates say no exit strategy for afghanistan*
clinton, gates: no exit strategy for afghanistan*
af-pak war racket: the obama illusion comes crashing down*
is US prepared to care for more casualties from troop buildup?*
leaving behind in iraq equipment needed in afghanistan*
US air force confirms 'beast of kandahar' drone*
israel edges closer to iran strike *
israel police 'arrest mossad spy on training exercise'*
why US mideast policy is (still) screwed up:
haaretz says US officials face pro-israel background check
chomsky says israel is a 'US military base'*
blackwater's erik prince to step down, reveals cia role*
is erik prince 'graymailing' the US government?*
at least 127 dead in baghdad bombings*
video: US military operating inside pakistan*
yeswecanistan: obama was always going to be a war president*
"america's army" recruitment video game cost taxpayers $33m*
blackwater guards tied to secret cia raids*
obama will not rush afghan troop drawdown*
kbr accused in cancer death of indiana natl guardsman*
double agent gadahn apologizes for al-qaeda murders*

1 comment:

N8 said...

Wow! It'll take me weeks to go through it all. I can't believe the amount of effort you keep putting into this James, thanks again! Hope you're having a nice "break." At least from the live show... Happy Holidays man.

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