Monday, February 26, 2007

merck mercenaries

from blacklisted news/youtube: Gardasil is one of the Merck's brightest lights as the company faces lawsuits, layoffs and the looming patent expiration of its top earner, Zocor. Merck faces 9,200 lawsuits from plaintiffs who blame Vioxx, the $2.5 billion arthritis painkiller Merck pulled off the market in 2004, for heart attacks, many of them fatal.

Shocked that people are so blind, sure they say they wanna help you with that new age drug but the facts remain they are up a creek without a paddle!

So far, Merck lost the first state case but won the second. The third case, in federal district court, was declared a mistrial. Merck has lost about a third of its stock value since the withdrawal.

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